
"They better not be too delicious!"
"They're not."

I love Mel Rodriguez and thought he did a great job with that scene. I wish it had lingered maybe 10 to 15 seconds longer, but overall, it was great.

I vote have Nick and Jess get married, then send them on an extended honeymoon that we don't see so we get more time with Winston and Aly.

Aly was amazing. She is perfect for the loft; she is crazy but still has a small streak of sanity that pairs well with the other cast members. I had to laugh at her comment about all the Michaels because in my (small) college, there were so many Michaels that interacted that they all had nicknames.

You do know that Rhys Darby, although not a Conchord, was on Flight of the Conchords, right?

"That kid’s accent did sound appropriately New Zealander…" I assume this has already been addressed, but I'm going to say it again. Of COURSE he sounded like a New Zealander; he was voiced by Rhys Darby! When they said the kid was from New Zealand, I expected 1 of 3 people, and I was delighted as soon as I heard his

I think my problem is that I have a low tolerance for people like Emma in real life, and it bleeds over into my enjoyment of the literature. I also first read it when I had an Emma-esque person in my life, which may have tainted my enjoyment of her further.

Even though I was the exact demographic meant to swoon over Troy, I was Team Michael all the way.

I hate Emma, but that might be because I hate Emma Woodhouse as a person so much.

I just hope they know whether it's getting picked up before the finale is written/shot. I think that a show like this could go out with a really dark bang, but if they have to keep the door open for a possible renewal, it will be watered down.

There's also the chance that Erica will be able to identify the pill; she seems to know a lot about them.

"She casually dresses in her old real estate blazer, pours not assuaged by Melissa casually dressing in her red real estate blazer, pours dog food for a dog that no longer exists…"

"I guess we're calling anything a courtyard now."

I have a fairly high Linda tolerance, and even I thought this episode was just a bit too much. I did, however, love the Dad-chelor party. Everything fit with the characters involved, and it was just the right level of ridiculous.

Then maybe she needs more than 1 interest; most people have them.

I didn't say that Jack has been solely responsible for getting the kids everywhere; I was saying that he would be if Rebecca left, which is a big part of the problem. He would suddenly be responsible for getting them to practices and things when he was supposed to be at work. Rebecca has been doing it, so if she goes,

I get that she put her dreams on hold, but I would also note that Jack did too. And if she wanted to go off on tour when the kids were 18 and out of the house, I would be behind her 100% of the way. Hell, if she wanted to sing now but stay within driving distance, I'd be all over it. However, she's leaving her husband

Goldbergs, not Goldsteins. (Also acceptable: Goldfarb.) And to be fair, real life Barry did become a doctor, which is what drove that plot, and TV Barry is a lunatic but has been shown to have an aptitude for science.

I'm a casual viewer of this show at best, but lord was I happy to hear someone tell Mitchell and Cam to just effing talk about things. If they could start basing their stories on something other than miscommunications or hiding things, the show would be so much better.

Only if you are a Princess in 1950s England.