
Yeah, but if you're looking at a year out of, what, 15?, that's not a lot of coming and going as he pleases. I understand that work gets him out of the house and that definitely counts for something. Then again, the kids are teenagers. They've been in school for somewhere around 10 years. Rebecca couldn't find

I don't know about Toby, but maybe Kate made a lot of money as Kevin's assistant and had some savings? I know assistant jobs don't typically pay that much, but when you are working for your twin brother, you might be able to get a higher salary. Or hell, maybe she was embezzling somehow. I would love that.

Do we really know that Jack goes out whenever he pleases? Other than the year of drinking when the kids were young and then a few weeks near the end, we haven't seen that as part of his character. In fact, Rebecca has noted twice (once to Ben and once in the fight) that Jack works crazy long hours, comes home, and

I think a lot of really interesting work could be done with Kevin having a major fall from grace, as it were. I mean, the fall-out from his Manny tantrum wasn't really that bad. I want to see a complete destruction of his career. And I think it could actually work even better now. We've seen some instances of

I thought the fight was terrific. It gave Ventimiglia and especially Moore a chance to really open up and show a much bigger range than they'd been allowed before. The two of them make a fantastic pair on screen; the fight did feel believable and lived in. In addition, the things they said to each other really felt

"ONE of them?"
"Maybe run this stuff by me."

"Stop talking about Rip Torn."

I just want to watch a whole episode of Winston and Aly playing with that gameshow stuff. They are the best. The Schmidt and Cece stuff was good, too; I like that they are growing, but they are doing it as slowly as you would expect. The Jess/Nick/Reagan stuff was the weakest for me. I guess because it's obvious

It's only a thing in some states.

For whatever reason, back in the day I thought of him as kinda pretty but most a poor man's Ethan Hawke. Now he has seriously outpaced Ethan. Damn.

Only if you want to be hospitalized.

Well, we know who would be the Dylan of the group.

Teenage me would have been in looooooooooooooooooove.

When Fred Andrews faked his time card, he listed his name as Jones, Jughead.

Again, I don't think it was treated like it was supposed to be funny. It was treated like it was supposed to be tragic. What makes you say it was treated like it was supposed to be funny?

You think Gail's suicide was treated as "some funny gag"? Did you even watch the show? That episode was dark as hell, not funny.

Lewis' death really bothered me. It was so obvious that it was coming that it wasn't a shock. It wasn't even sad. Hell, I'd basically been waiting for it since he started using the flight simulator. And honestly, everyone else sucked for encouraging him to fly knowing how little experience he had. Even though this is

I'd argue that 13 episodes was too short for Crazy Ex-Girlfriend, but I think 15 would have helped balance/round it out.

10/10 would watch.

Hoarders is definitely exploitative, but my cousin knows someone who was on the show, and it really did help her. Her house was condemned and they helped her move. She got therapy afterward, and I believe they helped hook her up with state services. She still receives wellness checks in which they also evaluate her