
You actually just helped me understand something that has confused me for a really long time. I remember an episode of Friends in which Joey was doing a play, and after the opening night performance, they read the reviews to the cast. I always thought that was sloppy writing because how could the reviews get out that

Yup. William was alone with Randall and unable to care for him after the mother died, so he dropped Randall at the fire station.

I assume someone was given a price limit and a Harry and David catalog and told to send something. Fancy pears are apparently a thing that people give.

No, William's neighbor is taking car of the cat, although Jesse did stop by to visit it.

If he's from Pittsburgh and eats a cheesesteak in Cleveland, he deserves to choke to death on it.

I love and hate Kevin. If I knew him in real life, I would want to kick him in the nuts, but I do think the character is interesting to watch. However, I don't think I'm really going to fully enjoy him unless his world comes crashing down hard, which is what he deserves.

Yeah, but if he was willing to throw enough money at the problem, it might have gone away. Probably not, but I'm willing to hand wave that (along with a lot of other things about this show).

"But, also, if he’s such a building block of this company, why was he so freaked out by Sanjay’s presence?"

I really wanted to like this show because I love Adam Pally so much, but… ugh. It wasn't great; I'm not even sure it was good. I get that there is a LOT you have to overlook when you are watching a time travel show, but… if the Revolutionary War never happened, how the hell did Chris know about it? Even if it did

He worked for me in 1 episode of Parks & Rec; I loved him trying to get the sommelier gig and freaking out at Tom, Donna, and April's orders (that were meant to screw with him). Other than that, I cannot stand him.

I don't know why, but Mr. Branca saying he was doing "Branca stuff" cracked me up. Just thinking back to it makes me laugh.

They can just pull a One Tree Hill and live on their own with minimal (if any) parental supervision.

Yes! That is a great comparison.

"…one who had been tutored by a classical musician…" Well, who had been "tutored" by a classical musician. I doubt much actual tutoring was going on.

Archie doesn't deserve Valerie. I hope she uses him and then cuts and runs.

"I'm sailing!"

Given the way TV shows usually roll out, I'd count anyone from season 1 as part of the original cast. You can't build a whole world (or even come close) in your first 20-minute episode (after accounting for commercials).

Mindy, Jeremy, Beverly, Tamra, Morgan. The Duplass brothers, who were only secondary/occasional characters, pop up every now and then.

If I could go back and forth instantly at the touch of a button, I'd be willing to explore a lot of previous times. If I had to stay there for any length of time, though, no thanks.

That headline made me way happier than it should have, as did seeing just the still from the beginning of the clip of Max as a bear. Happy Endings 4 life!