
And his first book was horrible. How did he go from terrible to amazing?

And then one flash forward episode in which the Schmidt and Bishop children are planning mess arounds of their own.

So does the New Girl Twitter account.

Casey, is that you?

This episode could have been so much better if it had been pared down to just Phil/Jay and Claire/Gloria. Those stories would have been so much better if they'd been given room to breathe. I think the Claire/Gloria story especially suffered; it could have led to real character/relationship development.

I can't imagine Randall would bury William that far away. There's just no way. He'd definitely have him flown back to New York and/or cremated. We know Jack was cremated, so that's always a possibility.

The official Twitter account of Memphis even commented on it, which I loved.

I liked it even before he got drunk, when he was just filled with childlike excitement at meeting family. William is trying to have a serious conversation, and Randall keeps popping in with big eyes and that amazing smile.

I'm barely holding back tears reading that… nope, there they go. Damn. I cried so hard and so loud at the end of this show, I think I need to rewatch to see what I missed. (Yes, part of that is because I am badly sleep deprived, but most of it is the show.) I'm glad they focused the whole episode on William and gave

This was just OK for me. I felt like the Nick/Schmidt/Jess part could have been written better. Maybe it needed more room to breathe? Also, I, like Cece, hate pranks, so that whole plot was a miss for me. It still had some great moments, though, so it wasn't a total loss.

Winston caught one!

I don't know how many times I've watched that series, and I still laugh out loud every time.

I really don't care enough about Katherine Heigl to keep arguing with you, especially because you can't seem to follow my point. (Why you think I give a tiny rat's ass about who from Grey's, a show I watched for 1 season, won an Emmy or why you think that whether one has one an Emmy is the ultimate determinant of

Yeah, I'm not going to give the folks at S&S cookies because they were willing to draw the line at pedophilia.

Katherine, is that you?

Nope. I haven't watched anything by Shonda since season 1 of Grey's Anatomy. I don't like Heigl because I find her to be prickly bordering on bitchy, as well as arrogant and fake, based on interviews I've seen with her.

At least Mr. Business is now going to torture Gayle by knocking things over until he dies (in a few years, as Gayle notes).

Did she go to Paris? I honestly don't remember, but I believe that it could have happened.

I only saw it once so I don't remember the details, but Alicia Witt is a high-powered TV something or other who gets hit on the head. She wakes up to find herself living in a small town that resembles the snow globe. She is married to her college sweetheart and they have 2 kids. "Hilarity" ensues because she has no

Yeah, I'm going to have to watch that. I might hate myself for it, though.