
My biggest Rebecca Bunch moment is "You Stupid Bitch." It put music to my inner monologue and now I play it all the time. IMy Greg Serrano moment is in "Settle for Me." "Josh is a dream, but I'm right here, in flesh and blood and self hate…"

Josh bitched about not getting anything he wanted and yet when she gave him one damn job (making the paper cranes he requested), he fell asleep.

I was glad to have more Valencia and Heather (especially Heather when she said, "I need wines. Do you have wines?"). The scene at Home Base made me miss Greg a bit; I'm glad he left and all, but damn do I miss Santino Fontana.

Me too!

"Man Naps" wasn't necessary? What? It was necessary for my well-being and general life enjoyment.

For real. Beth is amazing, and I'm glad she and Randall are together. They are such a fantastic couple, and it really is nice to see a husband and wife who love each other on TV.

Although Sophie was also one of the authors of the bitchy pool letter to Kate, so… kids are assholes. I mean, that happened before the party so they apparently made up, but maybe Sophie just wanted to be closer to Kevin.

Don't forget how much Schmidt loves him. He has to come back.

Yeah, for me, Jess is by far the weakest part of the show. A little Jess goes a looooooooooooooooong way, whereas there is never enough Winston.

I checked to make sure I was no longer following when the switchover occurred. I wasn't. I just checked now, and suddenly I was following both accounts. UGH. (The situation has been remedied.)

Also, where the fuck is WhiJo? He is the best person in West Covina and I want to see mroe of him.

Darryl's song is one of my favorite things in a long while, which is saying something given how much I love that show. The choreography (such as it was) was adorable, and a song that could have been sad-sack and sappy came out sweet. He is a delight.

I could never be excited to see Daveed Diggs leave. I hope he's around more.

Darryl may be a do of us, but he has such a good heart. No wonder White Josh digs him. (This show needs more WhiJo.)

Wow, you must be a super cool bad ass.

Why doesn't anyone on this site proofread? WHY?!

The app only keeps the 5 most recent episodes, so the beginning of the season is gone.

There is not NEARLY enough Father Brah.

I'm enjoying him much more on blackish.

I totally forgot about the doorbell!