
To be fair, she did go to an actual Vampire Weekend.

According to his IMDB profile, it appears that he moved to Chicago in 1986 either after he finished college or maybe during (if he didn't finish). That would put him in his 50s?

Guest spots by 2 actors who I love (Jamie Kaler and of course Patton Oswalt) made this terrific episode even better for me. I just now realized AV Club reviewed this show; I'm therefore way late and assume everything else I thought was said in the other 378 comments.

Also, I think Kevin's clumsy comments about William's sexuality are meant to reflect the way that some people, especially dim bulbs like Kevin, actually think. It would bother me more if the rest of the characters didn't seem OK with it. Beth has no problem with it, Tess certainly doesn't care, and Randall's only

Yeah, I remember him calling Kate from his closet because he had sex with a crazy ex who was trashing his apartment. That plus his "artnership" crap makes me think Kevin is drawn to the drama. He felt he didn't get enough attention as a kid, so being in these dramatic relationships now gives him all the attention he

It would be great if there were an editor to fix typos and character names in these reviews.

I went to a small private (but not religious) high school in the early/mid 90s and we had to bring our own lunches, too.

WhiJo is my favorite character, and I like that we are seeing more of him.

There was an episode, I think in season 1, where someone said Josh was smart enough to figure something out and in the background White Josh said, "Is he?" I laugh every time I think about, but more importantly, I remember agreeing. I think Josh has always been an idiot; we are just getting more of him now.

They both had emotional affairs (he almost slept with someone from shipping) that they discussed when they were getting their relationship back on track.

I totally missed that!

I love Winston and Cece's friendship, and I love that after Christmas Eve Eve, Schmidt seems to have accepted it. The "hello normals" greeting was also great because it made it seem like Cece was now not just his adored wife but also one of his weirdo friends.

There's being a slob and there's having 1 gross towel that came with the apartment and never fully dries. That's a whole other level.

Don't try to win me over with your use of 'twas.

I had a friend in college who was always called by his first and last names for some reason. Of course, it might be because there were a LOT of guys with his first name on campus.

I'm so glad to see Superstore getting some love. That show is terrific, with a deep bench of talented actors (including those playing secondary and tertiary characters).

That was so rude. I mean, Bob brought him 5 or 6 foods!

"Oh, now I get it."

Melissa and the very end saved this episode from being blah. Melissa's break is entertaining and heartbreaking at the same time, and in addition to January Jones, Mel Rodriguez is doing some excellent work in those scenes.

She didn't burn all of her clothes; she just burnt her shirts. I'm really enjoying Melissa going off the deep end. For quite a while, it seemed like the writers didn't know what to do with her (basically, once Tandy stopped trying to sleep with her), so she was superfluous. This story line gives her something to do