
Looks like this is the end for Criminal Minds. I'm not saying he didn't deserve to go (apparently this is his second rage episode), but the show has been creaky for a while lately. It's been shaky ever since CBS pulled that bullshit with Paget and AJ. There have been too many 1 or 2 season actors whose characters just

Why not, say, his apartment?

It's just another step in rehabing his image.

The other shoe has yet to drop with Yael. Right before she slept with Jeremy, she picked up something he'd left where he was sitting (keys?) and shoved it in her pocket. That has to come back into play.

Yup. Quinn said Coleman is a cancer that needs to be cut out. Chet said he thought Rachel was in love with Coleman and that he'd never seen her like that before. Quinn said she had and then the show cuts to her calling Adam.

Constance Zimmer is my everything. As long as she stays, I'm watching. She is phenomenal.

In The Philadelphia Story, I like to end after Tracy declares that she doesn't need George and she's strong and whatnot but before she crumbles again and asks Dexter to handle the wedding guests, at which point his solution is for her to marry him.

The Dixie Chicks said they were ashamed of a controversial president. This bitch was defending a rapist. I wouldn't call the 2 equal. However, yes, part of being a public person is knowing that people are going to listen to what you say and decide whether or not they want to continue to support you.

Leslie has already said he's done this summer, I think around the same time.

It's from a poem that his father really liked.

I may have mentioned it here (I know I mentioned it somewhere), but I love Garret Dillahunt in basically everything, even Criminal Minds in which he was super creepy. However, I am not enjoying him in TMP. I just really don't like Jody, and his accent and speech patterns annoy the hell out of me. I don't want him and

I was on the fence about watching this, but honestly, the fact that it's only 3 hours pushes it over the top for me. I can give up 3 hours for this in the hopes that it will be OK.

I've seen Singles more than once and for the life of me, I can't remember what it's about right now. However, I still remember the soundtrack.

OK, that version of O Holy Night was amazing. That is absolutely my favorite Christmas song, and that version is tremendous.

God I hate this stupid bitch. She only jumped on the "vaccines are bad" bandwagon after she stopped making money on the "indigo children" bandwagon. She jumps from one kind of BS to the next. I don't wish death on people, but I do wish she'd get stranded on a deserted island somewhere.

I'm pretty sure Mike said something like "they are going with the nine" and he was really laid back and accepting of it, which is what made Frankie so mad. She then gave her speech about how he messed up the first attempt and started talking about the second attempt.

I was hoping that it would be Erica who finally clued Geoff in on the fact that Evelyn liked him because he was so oblivious. I thought it would have been a sweet gesture for her to set him up with someone who was into him and finally make him happy without taking the trite route of her falling for him when it was too

Yeah, there were whole episodes about her picking a college for next year, but now she's going to be a senior again. I'm assuming it's just part of the "1980-something" bit of the show. Plus, Erica's college is on the other side of PA, so if she goes, we lose her for most episodes, which would be sad.

"…his meeting with the principal results in everyone being removed from performing."

He was willing to divorce Carol so she could marry Todd and get pregnant, so I don't think he'd slip her Todd's sperm on the sly.