
Agreed. I think the cow dying and Mike getting sick was enough to shake Melissa up. Honestly, everything has been going too well (relatively speaking) for these people: Everyone they meet is nice, there have been no real threats, and despite being fairly useless, they are doing well. That's just not sustainable, and

"the last blood relative he’ll ever know." Yeah, except for his child.

"I too have been to that sad rodeo."
"It's Large Orange!"

That was quite a bit of intricate stitching to do in such a short time.

I was so happy to see Kumail Nanjiani back, but I'm guessing we won't see him again, which is a bummer.

"I did it!"

Seriously. Lamorne is a goddamn national treasure.

I just want to play True American so badly.

Before this, I'd never heard of them. How I miss those days. These people are disgusting.

Lowe is hot, but Stamos beats him every time. Come on!

I thought this episode was really well done. It makes sense for Phil's brother to be sick because there's no one else anyone would go to the mat for (well, except Carol, but Carol CANNOT get sick; do you hear me, writers?!). Plus, it led to that great speech.

I know it's a stupid thing that doesn't matter, but no way does the lining of Cece's dress look that polished and seam-free. That's not how clothes work. Also, I hope she gets one hell of a slip or something to wear underneath, because those mirrors are going to shred her skin. (Sure, they could take off the mirrors

I thought the elevator would be here by now.

"And that’s to say nothing of the hilarious way Winston slinks into the crowd at the party after delivering his emergency bird shirt to Sam."

I'm hoping that Jimmy and Sara go back to their respective partners rather than getting back together. The show could do some great things with the awkwardness between Jimmy and Sara as they try to deal with the aftermath of the kiss and realize it's not time for them (yet).

"You know what I need?" "Empathy?" There is never enough Annaliese.

I was thinking the same thing. Then they pulled out that Beverly was insulted because she wasn't invited to the wedding, and I thought that explained it well and made sense; it also humanized her a bit. Of course, I barely had time to formulate that complete thought before Beverly said she wouldn't have come and

Pop-Pop didn't sell the dummy to Adam; Adam stole it. It seems a stupid thing for me to nitpick, but the whole scene around it was great so I'm going to. It started with Pop-Pop offering to sell it for Adam for $200, which is very Pop-Pop. When Pops tries to buy it, the price goes up to $300. So Pops gets out his

So… you think the creator of the show is trolling AV Club comments and telling lies because he's worried that someone who goes by Dr_Bong is on to his show's inauthentic costuming?

I haven't seen a lot of his work, but what I have seen doesn't click with me. Maybe I'm just not artistic enough. I didn't get what the big deal was about Annie Hall; it was just OK to me. Everyone Says I Love You made me want to punch everyone involved and then light the sets on fire. I think I've seen at least one