
She may have been an adult when it happened (but even if you go by their version of the story, just barely) but he became basically her stepfather when she was what, 8? If someone is like your own child for 10 years and then you think "I'd like to tap that," it's creepy as hell. And of course, it's just speculation,

I love Lea Salonga so much and I really wanted a nomination for her. I'm happy, though, that she (and Audra McDonald) handled not getting a nomination like a professional, unlike Jennifer Hudson.

I'd absolutely love to see it with the original (ish… some changes have already happened) cast because of my love for several of them, but I know that will never happen and am therefore more than willing to settle for seeing it on tour. I listen to the soundtrack probably more than is healthy and just really want to

This is fantastic. I love the 2 of them, and the names were terrific. Now off to YouTube to watch Key and Peele clips.

There actually is a line of under garments made in various shades of nude for women of color.

Jody has family money as well.

To be fair, I still think Kaling could have pulled off a successful relationship in a sitcom had Messina stayed. However, he left, so she had to write around it. Sadly, she made a mess doing so.

I seriously love Garrett Dillahunt. I even love him as the creepy paralyzed unsub who has his mentally disabled brother kill homeless people for parts and then feed them to pigs on Criminal Minds. Yet, I friggin' hate Jody Kimball-Kinney. I don't like his affectation, I don't like his characterization, I don't like

Kramer, Latka, and Jim weren't fucking doctors, though. I'm OK with Mindy being a ditz, but when she is stupid on a level that is impossible for someone of her age and occupation, it takes me out of the show. I don't care if she doesn't know about current events or confuses world leaders with rappers, but when she

I totally forgot about her! Seems like Mindy could actually use a mom friend right now, but I'm guessing the writers forgot too.

I fucking love Daveed Diggs.

I think Todd was just jealous. He and Phil were the only men alive before and after Phil 2.0 and bonded with each other over dislike of Phil 2.0 at times. He shaved half his head and mustache in solidarity. I think he's afraid he's going to get edged out. He knows that Phil and Mike inherently have a special bond, and

I've really been trying to leave all of the grammar/writing errors alone in these articles because the AV Club has made it clear that they have no desire to have a real editor, but I can't let this go: "Plus, Phil blurting out he loves Carol in the middle of having sex with Mike…"

Gina was definitely rough in the beginning, but now that they've figured out what to do with her, she is amazing.

"He can afford extra leg."

I especially loved Tina's disappointment when the pineapple said aloha again. Oh, Tina…

Yes! I know it's a television show. I know these are cartoons. I know that it wouldn't work with the trajectory of the show to have Bob come into that much money.

For the record, 2016 can fuck off.

God, he was so good in this episode. He was everything I wanted Prince to be.

Wait, did I actually just learn something interesting in the comments section of an online article? I'll be damned!