
I'd forgotten about Macy. Damn, talk about squandering some talent!

I didn't want Abbie and Ichabod together until the very end because I assumed the writers would screw up the show with their relationship (because they are terrible writers; see season 2). If I had more faith in the writers, I woudl have wanted them together sooner. That said, I did want them to get together

Downton had things going for it other than Mary and Matthew. I mean, Jenny is fantastic and all, but people watch this show for Abbie and Crane. The writers are stupider than I thought if they think people will care about SH without Abbie.

Fuck this show and its terrible writers. I hung in during the shit show of the second season because of the chemistry between Beharie and Mison (as did most people, because we certainly weren't hanging around for goddamn Katrina). If Beharie really did want off the show, I have to imagine it's because she realized it

It wasn't speeding; he ran a red light and the traffic camera caught it.

Apparently those normal people don't read Cracked. I never played D&D (although I had friends who did), but I learned about Mazes and Monsters from an article about early work of celebrities on Cracked.

Also, to this day, when I hear "Shout," I picture Jules' choreography.

This is still one of my absolute favorite episodes of Psych.

Do you mean Jeff Buckley? I love his cover, and not just because he died young.

Sweet baby Jesus, that's Justin Guarini? I didn't recognize him. Then again, I try to turn off those commercials as quickly as possible.

Uh, yeah, it was definitely mentioned, and more than once.

I couldn't stand Katherine McPhee. I honestly preferred Elliott Yamin. His version of "A Song for You" is still one of my favorites.

eShakti. You can buy standard sizes or go custom.

YES! I get compliments every time I wear my eShakti dresses, and they are so comfy. Also, pockets!

Yes, yes they are.

Plus, a book with the score has been released and a book about the history of the show comes out on April 12. Lin must be rolling in the dough (to which I say fantastic; he is super talented and seems like a genuinely good guy).

I would watch the hell out of that show.

I had seen this in the TV line up and had a very vague idea of what it was about. I was tempted to watch an episode or 2 just to see what it was. Thanks to this article, that temptation is gone. It sounds like a disaster.

I've ordered a few dresses from an online retailer that come with nice big pockets, and they are amazing. When you order, there's an option to have the dress made without pockets, and every time I wonder what kind of monster eliminates pockets.

"I take clay shots to help pull toxins out of my body."