
I just caught up after 3 weeks. This show just isn't connecting for me this season. I miss season 1. I miss bad-ass Headless (not to be confused with season 2's sad sack Headless) and Captain Irving. I don't miss Katrina, but I do find it weird that we are now sort of pretending she never existed. Still hate

Also, I don't know how to pick a favorite Dolly song. It depends on my mood. Some of my favorites are 9 to 5 (of course!), Jolene, and Why'd You Come in Here Lookin' Like That?

"Spell entrepreneur."
"Get in the car!"

Ain't no party like my nana's tea party.

I really want to love this show, but I'm not connecting with it. I feel like it's going downhill for me. I'm just so tired of Dean's shtick. Dean Sr added being a terrible lawyer to being a terrible father. There's not nearly enough Claire or Deb. I want to punch the kids. (Weirdly, though, Todd has started to get


I am always surprised when The Goldbergs ends because it goes by too fast for me. There is just so much and it is all so good. I don't know how the hell the show manages to be so good all the time, but I'm happy for it.

EG Daily will always be Leslie from Friends for me. She's only in one episode, but she inspired one of my favorite songs from Phoebe:

This is one of those movies that I have to watch every time I find it on TV even though I own it on DVD. The cast is great, the movie is fun, and the songs are really catchy.

Actually, they did and they put it at his new grave site. There was a shot of it.

Melissa didn't bedazzle the boots, she de-bedazzled them. Also, an accordion is not a bagpipe.

I thought it was weird that Louise immediately wanted to escape. I mean, I guess she wanted to wander the halls, but there's always the chance she'd get caught and pulled back in for the pop quiz. It seems like hanging out and trying to wrangle Tina into some shenanigans would have been more up her alley.

I feel like maybe we don't know Catherine because really, Jimmy doesn't know Catherine that much. As shown in this episode, even though he likes her, he focuses so much on himself and his side of the relationship that he only really sees the parts that matter to him: She's gorgeous, successful, and great in bed. I do

And they have specifically noted that Bernadette got head hunted and now makes a "buttload" of money.

Because when Raj first started seeing Emily, he told her that he'd hooked up with Penny and Emily was a lunatic about it.

I wish she'd kept her role on Sleepy Hollow. She still occasionally pops up on Bones, but her character on that show is obnoxious. I completely agree that she deserves better all around.

I seriously had to keep reminding myself that it was just a TV show, and a cartoon at that.

I love combing through the CDs at Goodwill. They are $2 (and sometimes only $1). It's cheaper to buy them and rip them to the computer, and if I'm not particularly attached, re-donate them.

Especially having to shoot scenes of falling in love and getting married.

Yes, although not often.