
Apparently Brendan Coyle has a drinking problem and it's made some of the shooting difficult. I wouldn't be surprised if they dialed him back because of that.

Also, let's not forget what a little bitch she was to Mrs. Patmore when she was showing interest in Mr. Mason and vice versa. Mrs. Patmore has been like a mother to Daisy and Daisy, who must be what, 30?, at this point, was a complete spoiled brat. She's just been over-the-top obnoxious this season, but the thing with

"That one gesture quiets the sisters’ lifelong feud." I wouldn't say that. It began when Edith came back for Mary's wedding and basically said "we hate each other but we're sisters so let's try not to be quite so terrible to each other."

I get that the look is in, but when it's that damn hot, why?

Kenny Loggins is inextricably tied to Hyperbole and a Half in my mind.

I only watched the first one (then I switched to Criminal Minds), but every beat was predictable.

That line reminded me how bummed I used to get if the cassette liner didn't include lyrics.

I know I say this a lot, but damn it, I love Murray Goldberg. Jeff Garlin is a damn treasure. I loved his versions of dancing, both in front of the camera and at the dance. I just wish we'd seen more Bev dancing.

I will note, however, that the flannel shirt around the waist and the boots were out of place when it was that hot, but I assume it was just bad costuming, not some broad statement.

It makes sense to me because I've seen stuff like that happen. Cece still lives with all of the models, including Nadia and her baby, I believe. She wants to hang out with Schmidt and is friendly with his roommates, so it makes sense that she'd be over there most of the time. I do hope (even though it will mess with

I cracked up at that line from Jake. It was brilliant.

I did love that Todd was the piece of meat Stewart dangled in front of Bemis.

Fred Savage is always brilliant. I hope after this show, he continues to act more. I love him, and he is terrific.

Sara's storyline didn't track with me at all. I mean, I enjoyed watching it because it featured Paget Brewster and Michael Trucco, but it didn't make sense. However, I adored their scene at the end, which helps make up for it.

Anneliese is so underutilized. Kelly Jenrette is fantastic; give that woman more lines!

I'd really like to know who picks who's in these things, because they seem to miss fairly significant people a lot. That said, I was fine with them leaving out Joan Rivers last year.

I was weirdly sad when Barry was no longer king of Ball Ball (although if you have to lose to someone, Ruben Amaro, Jr, isn't a bad choice).

If you moved their desks, they'd probably get lost.

Holy crackers. What an ass.

Unrelated to the show: I ordered a print of the picture in your avatar and have it hanging in my office. Leslie Knope forever!