
I liked Rob Lowe a lot more before I followed him on Twitter. I mean, he called out Cam Newton for not being a good role model or whatever for being upset after losing the Super Bowl. At Newton's age, Lowe was in rehab. Maybe he needs to shut his yap. (And I say that as someone who doesn't really care about football

Fred Savage is so, so, so good at everything he does. I really love watching him in this as both the straight man and the straight man taking a turn for the crazy. Claire is great as the other sane person, and Deb walks a great line between being normal (and perfect for Stewart) and occasionally willing to buy into

One of the best parts about "The Master Plan" is when Ben says every department is losing a Leslie Knope and Ron counters that they aren't because no other department has a Leslie Knope. I love that he may find her a pain in the ass but he also recognizes that she is fantastic and really cares for him.

I went into this story arc not a fan of Megan Fox and questioning why they even needed to add someone else when they had Nick, Schmidt, Cece, and my beloved Winnie the Bish to work with, but I have to say, the writers are pulling this off. I'm impressed.

First and foremost, those twins playing Edie are so freaking cute I can barely stand it. I hope that as she gets older (I'm just going to assume this show will get multiple seasons because I want them and refuse to consider that they won't happen), they let her continue being an adorable little moppet and don't make

Yes, but multiple posts seem to be implying that they were.

The receipt in the second picture is not the same one in the header picture. You can tell by looking at the receipts or by reading the accompanying text in the article.

"You people are selfish" has become part of my every day speech.

I LOVED that line.

This episode had a lot of problems, but I also loved a lot of it. Sure, Mary is a bitch (how I loved hearing Edith say it!) and it SUCKS that she got her happy ending, and so easily at that. Carson needs to be punched in the throat. His crap to Mrs. Patmore was wretched, and he's so smug and self-certain that he even

I remember buying that crap at the Air and Space Museum as a kid. DAMN YOU, SMITHSONIAN!


I loved Jimmy holding up the drawing to pictures of kids.

“This ain’t no disco. This ain’t no country club either.”
"Do you think he knows?"

I really loved this episode. Like you said, it did a lot with very little time. I think there was maybe a bit too much Ravi (I adore him, but in small doses), but other than that, it was great. The storylines were fantastic, and I continue to love the evolving relationship between Vanessa and Sara. I like how the

Admittedly, I'm a few episodes behind on The Grinder, but I'd pick Grandfathered to stay over The Grinder in a heartbeat. It pains me because Fred Savage is so effing good on that show, but Dean is REALLY starting to wear on my nerves. I love everyone on Grandfathered, though.

They've mentioned her not wanting to share Mr. Masonbefore, but I still don't think it makes complete sense. If it were some other woman she was pushing away, maybe, but Mrs. Patmore is like a mother to her. She needs to stop being such a little bitch.

She did give it to Tom, not Barrow.

I agree that it's time for Downton to end, but I don't know what I'm going to do without Violet. She is just the best. I could watch that scene over and over.

It's a joke, not a dick. Don't take it so hard.