
Yeah, but Ariel also has 6 sisters and the villain is female. And why couldn't Sebastian or Flounder or Scuttle have been female?

It wasn't just Aurora; it was all female characters. When you consider that the other main characters were Maleficent, Flora, Fauna, and Merryweather, it makes sense.

I was complaining about this the other night. They want to live in the heart of a city like Paris or Amsterdam in an apartment with authentic historic details for a small budget and then bitch about things like the master bathroom being too small. SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP.

Also, you can always tell which ending they are going to show by the parts of the discussion that leads up to it that they show. If it sounds like they are going to say list it, they will say love it and vice versa.

I saw one (and it might have been some other tiny house show) in which a family of 5 was moving to a house that was 324 square feet. All 3 kids would be sleeping in 1 sleeping loft. Yeah, let me know how that works out for you.

Pocket doors are freaking awesome. I would LOVE to have them in my house.

I just like seeing the inside of houses. It's why I play on Zillow a lot. I do get frustrated with the people, so I try to remind myself that they are likely instructed to act up and complain about stupid things to create some drama. One of my favorite conversations EVER on the show went like this:

"These…. are pajoveralls!"

The really weird thing about Marry Me was that there was a crossover character from Happy Endings (Derek). How does that happen when half of the other cast members were also in Happy Endings at some point in time?

I still miss My Boys. The cast was amazing. Between TBS moving it around and then the writers' strike, it really got screwed.

One of my favorites is still "The Butterfly Effect Effect." Max in full bear mode NEVER gets old.

I know it's supposed to be a mark against the Crawleys that they didn't remember Gwen, but why. Unless you have been at your job a long time and turnover is extremely low, do you remember everyone you worked with 11 years ago? I remember people with whom I was friendly (so perhaps it's realistic that the downstairs

I actually have a soft spot for Robert, but for the love of God, the man lost a Gutenberg Bible!

To me, he doesn't even compare to Blake. Blake and Mary had real chemistry, so I'm not sure why he was brushed of so quickly.

Or which old coat to give to the head housekeeper.

I assumed that Fellowes wrote it that way to add in some tension, but he forgot to then write the tension. Mary doesn't seem at all bothered about the cars. It doesn't even feel like her usual stoicism. I'm sure they will bring it up later, but it will feel inauthentic because she hasn't even seemed the least bit

I wanted to slap her in the face for the "my husband" crap. As was pointed out on another blog, it's an especially shitty thing to pull on someone who also lost a spouse but who actually loved and misses said spouse.

Trevor Noah seems like a nice enough guy, but he's too giggly for my taste. He seems to do OK with the stuff written for him (by the veteran staff), although even then he is sometimes too amused by the jokes. To me, though, where he really falls apart is in interviews. Interviewing is a skill that takes a lot of time

Ted Moseby was an obsessive sad sack who ended up just being a creep.

Oh, yes, Katrina. What sucks is that it's an interesting idea for a character and had the writers had a clue what they were doing, I think they could have really used her well. However, they just made a hash of the whole thing.