
I really like Emily Deschanels as a person, which helps, but man, you are right about Bones herself. She's supposedly grown, but there are still sometimes when she acts like it's her first time seeing human emotion and I hate it.

I think Dave was supposed to be the straight guy to all the weirdos. Unfortunately, they tried to make him his own brand of "weird" that mostly just ended up being annoying.

DEAR GOD YES. Sorry for shouting, but I loathe Craig.

I loved Max. I still laugh every time I watch the episode when he's in hibernation.

That whole scene was great. It starts with her voicing her own self doubt before she segues into, "Mia's quite pretty." Ugh, Harry, how could you do that to Karen, especially with someone as obvious as Mia?

Or they could have just cut Colin and expanded Keira's story so that we got more Chiwetel Ejiofor.

The first time Sam calls Daniel "dad" is one of my favorite little bits in the movie.

I've always thought that the casting is what made that storyline work so well. Rickman and Thompson are so good together that you just believe they've had a long, pleasant marriage within a few seconds of seeing them. Plus, the fact that they are both so damn likable makes it that much harder. It would be easy to side

"You turned out to be the fucking love of my life."

Yeah, fuck those guys. To me, the worst part about the end of HIMYM is that they had that ending in mind for multiple seasons but couldn't be arsed to write toward it. They had to scramble to make it work in the end and they didn't pull it off. I'm not interested in getting into another show with shitty writing. I

Those grabber toys are pretty common.

And then the man will promptly die. (Does Tony Gillingham know how lucky he's been?)

Carson started out as a junior footman. I'd love to see young Carson.

Oh, I'm not saying I think she got it. I think he pulled a bait and switch. I was thinking he told her he'd give her the 1000 pounds if she confessed and then once she wrote it all down, he said, no, I'm only giving you 50 pounds, and if you don't like it, sod off. Oh, and if you leak the story, I will take this

"Do you have one really funky sequined space suit, Bowie, or do you have several ch-ch-ch-changes?"

I own Happy Endings on DVD and I'm still giddy that it's on Hulu. That show was/is fantastic.

It seems I cannot watch an episode of The Goldbergs without saying "I love you, Murray Goldberg" at least once out loud.

For some reason, the "big pink orange" line had me laughing like a lunatic. I love you, Murray Goldberg.

That was so incredibly perfectly Mike. I loved it!

I hate that more and more networks are having shows run every so slightly over so that the end gets chopped off on the DVR.