
Part of me thought they should definitely be married before they had the kid because that seemed like a very Boyle thing to do. The other part of me thought, well, no, I can see Boyle going crazy like that and leap frogging right to a kid, especially if he wanted kids with his wife but she didn't want them.

I loved this episode except for Dr. Phil. I cannot stand "Dr." Phil in any capacity. However, the bit at the end made up for it. "I have a hand cream that smells like that. I keep it in the safe behind the painting. You can use it whenever you want. Password is Sinatra's birthday."

Ditto. He really sold it. I truly believed that Jimmy would find that joke hilarious, and he was so charmingly doofy about it.

Remember, you're talking about Nick Miller here. I'm honestly surprised he always remembers what Winston looks like.

It's not "slim, hip ghost of Tom Cruise," it's "slim-hipped ghost of Tom Cruise."

Also, I loved that Thomas was giving Marigold and George piggy back rides. There is always a small element of a human being under his evil butler veneer, which I enjoy. Plus, I could totally see this being something he does just to suck up to the powers that be.

She did also inherit his apartment. When she mentions her apartment in the drawing room, Mary snipes, "You mean Michael Gregson's apartment?"

I wanted to applaud Rosamund when she mentioned Mary sniping at Edith. I assumed that with Branson gone, there was no one left with any powers of observation.

I assumed (and I'm totally making this up; this is just the story in my head) that Robert told her she'd get the 1,000 pounds if he got a signed confession and then went down to 50 pounds once it was written.

Thank God the whole Anna and Mr. Green saga is over. Can we PLEASE keep the Bateses out of friggin' jail or threat of jail for one little season?

I remember that title but I just looked the show up and nothing about it rings a bell, so I must not have watched it.

YES! That was my first thought as well. I will always love this song because of that scene (and because, let's face it, it's fun).

I know I'm super late, but I just had to say that "I did the thing for the blond neighbor" might be the Murray-est line I have ever heard.


Both of those songs are traditions in my family. That might say something about my father and me (my mom's not a fan).

It's on my Christmas mix. Love that song.

"Should I get her something casual, like shot glasses, or something less casual, likeā€¦ gold shot glasses?"

They should do this with Ava. I'd love an episode like that.

Why is he always here?

Also, the wailing of "IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ME!" when the vending machine died was glorious. RIP, Snacky Chan.