
Relegating Neil deGrasse Tyson to a stray observation? For shame!

Charlize Theron would look good in anything. The fact that she's beautiful doesn't mean the wig isn't an atrocity.

I think it was just the weak spot for this particular terrorist mass murderer. He said to her something like "Your weakness isn't pain; it's your compassion for those you care about."

Natalie Natalie Natalie Natalie Natalie Natalie.

I thought for sure Alex and Liam would at least kiss, and I was glad they didn't.

I loved this episode. The bit with Sara and Vanessa was great; I love that the show acknowledged that Sara deserved to feel sexy (especially because Sara is played by Paget Brewster, who is sexy as hell). I couldn't stand Vanessa at first, but she's really coming into her own as a character. The writers are doing good

Wait, there is an actual human person named Kentucker?

This article made me really happy. I haven't seen him in much recently (being too cheap for HBO and whatnot), but I loved him on Doogie Howser and in Newsies. I'm really glad to see he's working a lot and things seem to be going well for him.

Evan Peters' accent on AHS is horrifying. He's trying to do a transatlantic accent, but it's horribly uneven and often overblown. I'm 2 episodes behind so maybe it's gotten better, but I can't figure out how no one heard him in those earlier episodes and said, "Get it together or stop trying."

That makes it even better. I seriously had to pause because I was laughing and didn't want to miss what came next.

I bet it was amazing.

"Saying words good is my specialness!" It sure is, Barry. It sure is.

One of my favorite moments in The Middle was Brad's quick shift from regular hat to Santa hat. Brilliant.

Honestly, Dean is starting to wear thin with me. In the courtroom scene, I just wanted to punch him in the face. I know this show exists in a heightened reality, but God, is he obnoxious. I would have liked it better if he'd had a judge who wasn't wowed by him for once.

"To be fair, Frankie was already out to get Frankie pre-text, after the big bread blowup."

Ugh, Ted was such a creepy, stalkerish sad sack douche lord.

But if you get rid of Zoe, you get rid of The Captain, and I LOVE The Captain.

As much as I loved Tracy (and I did… "How Your Mother Met Me" quickly became one of my favorite episodes), I was actually OK with her dying because it set up why he was telling the story. The problem was the execution of that story line and pretty much else. The picked the ending in season 2, didn't write toward it

Yeah, he was paroled from juvie and more than once, someone has said that next time, it will be real jail, so he's right around that 18 mark.

He knew it was Holt's spot; he didn't know it was Holt's car because it was the first time he'd seen Gertie. He says someone was parked in Holt's space when he's ranting about it in the beginning.