
I assume we'll see more of her giant scrapbooks.


This episode gave me flashbacks to the ex who slept on a pile of foam and blankets on the floor. In his 20s. Because a bed wasn't worth it (he definitely had the money). I was so Team Amy on this one.

Well, Alex's lipstick is great, so the show's got that going for it.

Yup. Alex confronts Liam at Quantico and that night, their first during which they can go off campus, Alex goes to Miranda to talk to her about it. That's when Miranda gets stabbed.

Seriously, there are no winners here.

It already has worked! You've given everything away!

"You seem a decent fellow. I hate to kill you."
"You seem a decent fellow. I hate to die."

Count Rugen had 6 fingers, not Inigo.

I haven't read the book in a long time, but I remember thinking that at times, Goldman went too far with his asides. They were at times jarring and pretentious, and occasionally a bit try-hard. Now, this could be because I discovered the film when I was young and therefore it holds a special place in my heart. I

I loved this episode and I desperately need them to release the bourbon song.

"Don't look at the bag."

I really hope we get more courtroom scenes where they go up against him. He was terrific. I worry that Claire fills the skeptic role now, but surely there can be more than one, right?

If I had to explain Barry Goldberg to someone who had never watched the show, I'd probably list the dog names he provided and then say, "Puppies! They're so adorable! They're like the kittens of dogs!"

"America won the war!" Great code, Erica and Pops.

Fred Savage is truly a delight. He is just so good as Stewart. He sparkles (but in a subdued way). His expressions are great, and when his face lights up, it's magic. The little kid inside him (Kevin Arnold?) comes out. He's great as the straight man, but it's also fun when he gets swept up with Dean. The "for

"Are you broken? What's the matter with you?" And to think, that question came BEFORE the mood lighting and "Eternal Flame."

Seriously. It's not like their bodies would have shielded others from the blast.

Oh, right, the other thing that annoyed me. When they were interrogating Natalie, she kept insisting that she knew nothing. Everyone else insisted that she knew nothing, and then immediately after that, she spills the key details that allow them to move to the next step. Natalie isn't the type to obfuscate the truth

Why do you insist on adding an H to Natalie? I don't know why, but that drives me crazy.