
@dezbot:disqus I wish I could upvote you more than once.

Sadly, no, it was definitely a dry cleaners. ("Is that the dry cleaners at the end of your block?") Business is probably terrible.

You forgot the best part of that last quote. "“I’m dead. Cut me open and sleep inside me. You and the cat."

This is why we can't have nice things.

I like that as Phil gets better, everyone else gets worse. We are finally really exploring everyone's bad side. People aren't one-sided. I mean, Phil 2.0 is an ass quite often, but he's also really, really right. Malibu is better than Tuscon, but barely. They need to go somewhere where solar panels will work AND

I had to pause after that because I was laughing so hard.

Why does the word who even exist if you aren't allowed to say it?!

I assume he flew to New York because he knew his dad would be there and he wanted to confront him (as he did). He then used the bombing as a chance to get to look at the tapes and see if he could figure out who the mistress was because, as has already been established, Caleb is a spoiled and self-interested little

Seriously. Maybe in the show's universe, they are the only twins to ever exist. Otherwise, it doesn't make sense.

I actually yelled that at the screen.

He knew his dad was having an affair (as evidenced by the video of him arguing with his dad about it), he just didn't know with whom.

That crap under the window with Ryan and Liam was almost the end for me. Jesus Christ, if you want the storyline to be that Liam blows the story, make him say it right away without them chatting for an hour and half beforehand. "Miranda set it up as a training exercise." Is that really so hard to get out?

Those little girls (it's a set of twins) are freaking adorable.

Paget slayed me with her pretending to hear someone in the hall. Her delivery was perfection. I will love her forever.

Sorry, Chicago PD has already claimed SVU in the crossover wars. There have been, what, 3 Chicago PD/Chicago Fire/L&O: SVU crossovers so far?

I'd watch the hell out of that show.

I still get sad thinking about poor Vincent Nigel Murray. That was very well done.

I actually yelled at the television.

Everyone thought it was going to end last season, and frankly, I thought that was the right call (and actually a bit overdue). Apparently the ratings are enough to get it picked up, though, which made the beginning of this season really awkward.

As are Michael Grant Terry and Pej Vahdat.