
I now want to see Bianca Del Rio as Pizzazz more than I've ever wanted anything in my life.

I don't get the target audience for this. People who watched Jem growing up won't be interested because it strips the inherent Jem-ness from the story. (However Transformers and TMNT may have been altered, they still contained the essence of those shows, i.e., transforming robots and human-sized talking turtles; Jem

He chose to focus on working behind the camera. If that's what he loves, great, but I have missed him on TV. He's fantastic.

And what makes that especially stupid/weird/whatever is that every other nice house in the world is available! They're in fucking Malibu; nice houses abound. Maybe Gail put up with him because she was lonely, but why didn't everyone else hate him?

Also, Gina and Jake are childhood friends, so it makes sense for that personal connection to bleed into the show, too. I loved that bit. Chelsea and Andy's friendship is great because it makes Gina and Jake's feel real.

Seriously. Anyone who has watched the show knows that Gina's main interest is Gina (I say that with love, because I think Gina is hilarious). Of COURSE Gina would want a selfie.

I loved how very Jean-Ralphio Saperstein that moment was.

You know, if you are going to criticize a show (and I agree it deserves it), maybe you could put in the effort to get the characters' names right. WTF is with this site and it's intense hatred of proofreading?

I love that stupid movie and was excited to hear it mentioned.

I believe the Grinder episode was "Bully Goads Gruff." Get it? A bully goads a character named Gruff.

I would so sign that!

Wait, no biscuits all day? Screw you, McDonald's!

Right, I forgot about that. Oops.

But the doughnuts weren't free. Barry was selling the "garbage pastries." Erica makes sure to note that it's not charity, it's a business transaction.

Malaria killed Nelson awfully quickly, didn't it?

Yes, and once something is set in motion on a television show, it never, ever, EVER changes. If they said Ma is going to watch the baby, she's going to do it until she dies.

You know, that could have worked if he'd said he didn't remember who shot him but pretended to believe Liam so that he could get more intel. However, going straight to "Alex shot me" is stupid. Either he's lying about helping her (which he can't be, because this seems like the kind of show that thinks it will be plot

backstory-by-madlibs is the perfect way to describe it.

I assumed the incompetent one left because the note said something like "let's see how you do without me."

Also: Sita has dirt on Liam and yet he's not afraid to lean on her and try to push her around? In what universe does that make sense?