
It's obviously ridiculous to think that if Alex were planning something, she'd leave that much evidence casually strewn around. She points that out to Natalie,* and Natalie also knows that there is a secret entrance to the apartment. Simon now knows about her scar and how the fingerprints don't match. Are they ALL in

Chad is her ex-fiance, not ex-husband. Jordan Peele really makes everything better, doesn't he?

I'm rewatching right now because my attention was divided last night, and damn does the Tuscon crew suck.

I loved that friggin' show.

Then you don't remember the 90s at all.

Interesting. I read another review that basically said this was boring and unnecessary. Apparently, overall, everyone behaved like a professional adult on the set. According to the author, movie didn't really hand out any new information, although it did make some things up and get other things out of order, to the

I don't think she deserved to have her life trashed (again, I don't know the extent because I didn't follow it), but I do think it's fair for her to get fired from a PR job for doing something that a reasonable person would recognize could easily turn into a PR nightmare. Were I her client, I wouldn't trust her

People may have gone overboard about Justine Sacco (I don't know; I didn't follow the story that closely), but if you are a PR consultant who is stupid enough to tweet that out, you probably deserve to be fired. Even the most junior PR consultant would know that's not the kind of "joke" (I use that term loosely; it

I thought the same thing about that interaction. If Phil goes back to chasing Melissa, I'm officially done with this show.

He also had a very brief, extremely creepy and disturbing turn as a quadriplegic psychopath on Criminal Minds. He spent the episode (episodes? it was a 2-parter but I can't remember if he was in the first one) confined to a bed and only moving his head and yet he creeped me the fuck out. He's brilliant.

He's still going strong as a good guy in Chicago PD. Of course, it's a Dick Wolf show, so he's a good guy who's not afraid to bend or break the rules, but still….

I love, love, love Garrett Dillahunt, but man, his character was total cartoon southern rooster/lawyer. I was pleasantly surprised that Fortune Feimster's character wasn't as broad as, if not broader than, Garrett Dillahunt's. She's hilarious and can do over the top well, so I'm glad they dialed it back a tiny bit.

You must be fun at parties.

Thanks. He looked different to me this week and I felt the acting wasn't as strong. It might just be that he grew out his hair a bit and had poorer writing. I liked him last season, so I hope they give him good material this season.

This episode was disappointing. I liked the roommate stuff (Note: Abbie does not skimp when it comes to buying vacuums), the stuff at the end when Ichabod tries so transparently to draw out her secret and she finally acquiesces, and that sly look Abbie gives Ichabod when she says "Mind your business." (Can we talk

I thought the book sounded stupid and I feel the same way about the movie.

Murphy has said that the thing that raped Schmidt, er, Gabriel, is an "addiction demon" and represents the struggles with addiction. Which… OK, I get the metaphor, but it wasn't well demonstrated and instead just looked like gratuitous rape. I might buy into that more if Murphy didn't have a history of this stuff.

I actually said out loud, "We get it; Ryan Murphy has seen The Shining."

I laughed out loud at "the YouTube." It might be an overdone joke to have people add "the" in front of things, but it cracked me up.

Jimmy 5 is totally my favorite robit. Murray Goldberg is my favorite TV dad.