
I don't want Claire and Dean to hook up, and I think it would be great for the show to keep them separate, not just because of the age difference but because they are so clearly telegraphing "these 2 hook up."

This show just makes me happy. It's fun and goofy and easy. I can just turn off my brain and watch people I love (Brewster and Stamos) put on a good show. The first episode leaned hard on Gerald being a dork; I liked that this episode made him more well rounded (he's a dork, but he's a dork for his daughter, goddamn

I get what you are saying, but I liked that there was at least a reason for it besides "I want to be a YouTube star." Sure, it's not the smartest/strongest/best plan, but at least it's a plan that is ultimately to benefit her daughter, not her. She may not be a genius, but at least she's not completely shallow, and I

Well, he thought he was the last person on earth, so where is the moral issue with taking national treasures? I mean, it's not like he expected anyone else to want to enjoy them.

Those weren't freestyle rap interludes; those are part of the song.

I agree about Phil's house. And man, does that make them seem unbalanced as fuck. It's not like there's a fire department or even an abundance of water. It could have easily gotten out of control. Really, why DIDN'T it get out of control? And it was well known that Phil had a lot of national treasures in his house;

Actually, he dissed Castaway and then they cut to a shot of him talking to balls. His ball friends are in service of a joke.

I agree that the first half of the episode would have made a great individual episode. It was incredibly well done, and I would have loved to see more. The connection between Carol and Phil is great now, and it made the sadness really believable.

I'm fairly sure I wouldn't watch the show if it weren't for the stellar cast. The material is nothing special, and in lesser hands, it would be a mess. However, the cast is terrific and the show is fun. It's not the best show on TV by a long shot, but it's light and entertaining, and it's making me fall even more in

"Peyton! Eighth grade cheer camp!"

I thought the episode struggled a little; Abbie and Ichabod felt a bit off. I'm hoping the kinks will get worked out and we can recapture some of that season 1 magic. Speaking of season 1, I miss season 1 Irving. They completely screwed up his character in season 2 and I get why they got rid of him, but I miss the

I will forever refer to Matt Barr as Psycho Derek and was the one person who was pleased to see him on SH, even if the character wasn't great.

He wore wigs in seasons 1 and 2, so his flashback wigs should look the same as before.

The little speech that Alex gave to Natalie was the same thing I said after the first episode. If she's smart enough to pull all this off, why would she leave an apartment full of clues? Even if it was just a dry run and she had a safe house elsewhere, why wouldn't she keep it all in the safe house?

I didn't have high hopes, but I tuned in for Lowe and Savage. I really enjoyed it. It was ridiculous and over the top, but that's what made it fun. I liked that Savage was able to be a straight man without seeming like a douche, and he had his own little bits of getting carried away, like trying to sit on the jury box

Now I really want to watch that.

I so appreciated that. It made me clap with glee (I'm easily amused).

Except, of course, for "The Cat's in the Cradle," because it was played for a joke and I thought it was funny. Not genius, but funny.

Also, it was Jimmy's restaurant, so why not say to someone (like, say, his assistant), "You must watch the baby while I do things"?

I really enjoyed it. It's not reinventing the wheel (or even introducing a new model of the wheel), but it's well executed with a fantastic cast. I will watch Stamos and Brewster in anything, any time, anywhere, so I'll definitely keep watching, even if it is predictable. It does have enough little moments that catch