
And was a horrible actor to boot.

Just when I didn't think I could love her more…

I still get angry when I think about how CBS screwed Paget and AJ. I didn't watch the episodes when they were gone, although I did start watching again when they came back. I was one of the dorks that signed the petition and wrote angry e-mails, and I'm not ashamed to admit it.

I prefer Briscoe and Logan but agree with the rest 100%. It's a crappy gray rainy day here and I wish I were home watching L&O.

Blood doner? Really? REALLY?

Points off for lack of Jordan Peele, but points added for Rhys Darby. Oh, Murray. I will always love you. ALWAYS.

That made me laugh out loud.

Something happened between them, but I don't think it's been said what yet.

OMG yes.

I really hated the whole "Alex has sex with a stranger and SURPRISE! He works with her!" plot because it was so obvious and so overdone. There were several things I saw coming a mile away. Also, If Alex thinks a good place to hide secret stuff is under an obviously pulled-up corner of the carpet, she's not going to


I'm excited for this show. I have no idea if it's going to be any good, but I love both Fred Savage and Rob Lowe, so I'm in.

I really loved this episode even as it broke my heart. I liked that Phil and Carol had a little fight (because that's realistic) but that it didn't go too crazy. When he left her and couldn't find her… man. And then seeing his old house in Tuscon burnt out. It was really desolate and depressing, especially the final

I loved seeing him at the Emmys with his giant, crazy beard.

Nope. A brunette can carry the genes for other nondominant hair colors.

I really thought that at the end of Tina's story, when Bob and Linda were talking about feeling something, that she'd have them get together. I'm really glad the show didn't go that way; it was funnier the way was written and led to that great line by Hugo.

"Someone named Norm Scully has been in the bathroom for 72 minutes."
"That means he's about halfway there."

I loved that line.

Yeah, but I think he was too invested in it being Jake and Amy before he knew it was Jake and Amy. For me the problem wasn't that he was so involved with/invested in Jake's love life, it's that he was so over-the-top about how Jake must date Amy, and right in front of Amy no less. It felt bizarre to me. Boyle coming

Jake's face when he said "title of OUR sex tape" made me laugh out loud. That was great.