
“What! It’s well past dinnertime! Sorry, just … feed your children.”

I don't have anything profound to say, but I'm sorry you are going through this.

In college, there were a lot of guys named Mike, so they usually got called by both names. It just happens sometimes.

This may be my favorite thing I've read all day.

Technically, that's the ever-present football player rapist.

I'll just keep watching "Forever."

Before I read this, I really thought it was based on a book. I'm still not entirely convinced it's not.

I remember when Amy Acker joined Person of Interest and I couldn't figure out where I'd seen her. Of course it was Dear Santa. In November and December, I'm constantly switching between Lifetime and Hallmark. I can't help myself. However, I can't handle the sad movies at Christmas.

Yup. It was even mentioned in the article.

I watched that movie 3 times this year. Nothing delights me like cheesy Lifetime or Hallmark Christmas movies (none of the sad ones, though; not even Neil Patrick Harris can make me watch The Christmas Shoes again).

Interesting. When I think of Lifetime movies, the 2 that come to mind first are the one in which Antonio Sabato, Jr, kills the girl from Just the 10 of Us and the one in which Fred Savage kills Candace Cameron. However, neither shows a bloody, broken body so…. better?

Just recently my best friend and I were talking about how our parents would have hit the roof if they'd realized what VC Andrews' books were about.

I now want to watch all of these terrible, terrible movies. I love laughing at "Mother, May I Sleep With Danger," but I don't think I've ever actually seen it. The only ones I remember (other than the holiday ones; screw you for judging me) are the one where the girl and her friend are anorexic/bulimic and the friend

All I know is that when you mentioned "Mel" right after talking about Schaal, I thought you'd switched to a Flight of the Conchords reference and I was really confused.

Original flavor Phil has definitely been a douche (which I actually enjoy), but he still should have been the one to keep his name. He was there first and he's the reason they all found each other.

I got season 1 of FotC on DVD for $2 recently. I'd never seen it before. Now I don't know how I lived without it. (Although I could live without "Doggy Bounce" being stuck in my head for 3 days.)

Phil is totally a jerk, but that's one of my favorite things about the show. I love when Phil goes full asshat.

Well, actually, the worst that could happen is that she gets the part, takes it, loses her regular job for missing work, the movie tanks, and now she's back to square one (or square zero, because she doesn't even have a job at the Cheesecake Factory). Depending on the part, she might have to take time off work that

They've implied that Penny does really well because she's hot, which is not at all a cliche or a gross insult to both men and women. Ugh.

I seriously didn't think it was actually Kevin Smith.