
Yeah, I get the feeling Phil Miller isn't much of a planner.

"Also, we’re going to pretend that we didn’t just now realize that Will Forte’s Phil Miller is a combination of their names. We noticed that all along."

The yodeling got stuck in my head instantly after reading that.

In case you missed it, it was just a joke by the writers, unfortunately.

That apology makes me ragey, not because I think he needs some big public apology but because it was so damn lame. I want better from the new host of TDS.

Holy shit, has it really been 10 years already? Damn.

He's cleaning out that one because it's full of his own urine and feces (unlike all of the other pools around which might be slimy but are, by the premise of the show, not filled with any animal-related matter), it stinks to high heaven, and it's in the middle of the development where they all live so everyone can

"Of course we know that Phil isn’t really going to follow through with it…" I honestly wasn't sure, and I would have been OK with him leaving Todd out there just because it would have been a nice twist. It probably would have made things a little too dark, though.

Fine Young Cannibals, not Five Young Cannibals.

I think Phil's declaration of love works if you look at it as him making a hail mary pass. I also believe that he may have talked himself into thinking his lust was love; it fits into his character.

Don't worry, I'm pretty sure his new show will fail, as will Alex's, er, Elisha Cuthbert's.

This episode reminded me of when Jeremy was the hot doctor that Mindy was sleeping with instead of the uptight sad sack. Yay for the return of hot Jeremy!

To quote Monica Gellar, "It's hard for some people!"

And for forcing me to pay a ton for eleventy billion channels when I only watch 6 to 10, because 4 of those channels are only available with one of the biggest packages (and I'm not even talking about HBO and Showtime; I'm way too cheap for that shit).

If I'm really into a band or performer, I will buy the greatest hits albums even when I have all of their other albums.

Speaking of Dirty Dancing, let's give a mention to Dr. Houseman. He didn't start out great, but man, he loved his family, he saved Penny without ratting her out, and in the end he came around.

I'd recognize him either way in the 5 seconds before I passed out from excitement at seeing RuPaul.

He honestly never crossed my mind, but I am totally embarrassed by that fact. Uncle Phil was awesome.

Absolutely yes to Terry Jeffords, Ben Wyatt, and Andy Dwyer. I love them so much. I remember saying, "I love you, Ben Wyatt" out loud while watching the Parks and Rec finale.

I was once watching with my dad, who was unfamiliar with the show. He wondered why I said "uh-oh" as soon as someone approached the ice cream maker. I have yet to see it turn out well.