
I remember that! I was horrified of thinking what her restaurant would be like and how dangerous it would be to walk unless someone was cleaning up behind her constantly.

Don't knock chocolate wine until you've tried it! (Preferably after you've had a few good drinks, but still.)

That got me to literally laugh out loud.

I do get sick of the repetitive stories, but I'm not going to lie: The lunch lady episode had me crying. They just seemed like such nice ladies who really cared!

Isn't (former?) Mr. Tori Spelling the host? Ugh.

My dad was at my house once and Chopped came on. He wasn't familiar with the concept, so he was mildly horrified with the basket ingredients. "Why are they using that?" "They have to, dad." "But why? Why would you make someone cook with that?"

Absolutely. A lot of vegan foods (the ones that are fake versions of normal foods, like cheese) are tricky as hell. Someone used to working with that stuff has a ridiculous advantage.

I think it's a good sign that she was willing to move into a house that wasn't hers. Also, in the preview for next week, she's happy to steal diamond rings. She's at least loosening up about that.

The pool and fountain had been sitting, unmaintained, for 2 years. Even when they were maintained, they would have had chemicals in them. They are certainly not a good source of drinking water.

I think Phil is treated with sympathy because this was meant to be his story. Plus, how funny could the show be if Phil met the last woman on earth and they got along like gangbusters?

"maybe it a low IQ problem"

I love that the salt rim on the kiddie pool went over his ankles.

Also, I'm pretty sure that if I had the entire country, I wouldn't settle in freaking Tucson. Go somewhere where it's easier to grow food!

I wish they'd waited a little longer to bring Carol into the mix. I do like the characters, though; I think they play well off each other. However, any time I looked away from the screen when Carol was talking, I immediately imagined her as Louise.

Rosa telling Marcus she loved him really bothered me. The show didn't earn that revelation. We have no reason to believe it, especially given that Rosa has only said "I love you" to three people: "My mom, my dad, and my dying grandfather. And one of those I regret." "Which one?" "My grandfather. He beat cancer and now

That episode just pisses me off. I can get over how unrealistic it was that all of the organs would go to patients at one hospital (the odds of that are probably something like one in a billion), but if they thought she'd OD'd on cocaine, they wouldn't have just sliced her up and popped her organs into people,

I posted this above, but I can't rewatch the one where Hayley dies. It's too much.

Jesus, I'm about to cry now just thinking of this and the episode after.

"Fuck you, Dan." This, so much. That episode was so, so awful. I'm glad that dog ate his heart in later seasons.

To this day, I picture that dance when I hear "What Is Love?"