
How I Met Your Mother: "Bad News." I sob every time.

OMG yes. That episode is freaking brutal!

I was hoping that with Adam Pally leaving (about which I'm not pleased), Ed Weeks would get more screen time. Because they brought in another doctor so fast, I seriously doubt that will happen. It's a shame; I quite like him.

He was probably distracted by the car accident.

Did anyone else want to punch Jess in the face in this episode? No? Just me? She was a really terrible friend.

I was wondering if Sheldon would try to find a healthy ovum and use the DNA from the napkin to grow his own Spock now.

It reminds me of how Amy gave Sheldon what he considered an amazing Valentine's Day present by cancelling all their plans because that's what he wanted. I know this is TV, but she should have left it alone.

I wish she were still occasionally on Sleepy Hollow. It sucks that they killed her off.

I don't find speaking to the urn weird at all. In my experience, people speak to the dead at funerals (trust me, I've been to way too many in the past few months) and even occasionally talk to headstones. I don't know why the urn would be different. People know their loved ones aren't really there, but some still find

On a completely different note, I totally expected Mrs. Wolowitz's urn to be enormous as one final fat joke, and I was really glad it wasn't. Also, it's a little sad that I even thought about that. I like this show, but sometimes it is a hot mess.

The bit with Howard talking about not driving his mother to the airport really hit home. I missed a last chance to see a beloved relative because I was being a stupid, self-centered teenager. (To be fair, he did die suddenly, so it's not like I just ignored a dying family member.) I know it's not my fault, but I

I haven't been keeping up with this show lately, but I really wanted to see the finale. I just watched it and I loved it. Say what you will, but I like when long-running shows get their happy endings. The characters and the viewers deserve it. I thought this was beautiful.

This list doesn't include Tom's second book: Failure to Fail. I bet the author of the list is such a Garry.

I had completely forgotten that the Soup Dragons existed until you posted that.

I will love this song always and forever. It's so beautiful and moody and perfect for what it is.

Well, he could have been in shock. I mean, it was kind of intense.

I love Matt Barr (yes, I say that a lot), so I'd be OK with Hawley coming back occasionally, but JUST occasionally. This show was never meant to be believable, and that's fine. However, it would be cool to use Hawley to bring in artifacts from other places every once in a while. It's a little weird to have all the

I think if there'd been a guaranteed season 3, we might have gotten more, but because the future is uncertain, they wanted to tie up loose ends.

To be fair, she had just tried to kill both him and Abbie. Plus, he and Abbie had that big discussion about how their relationship as witnesses came before anything else.

I liked it, and not just because Katrina is dead. It reminded me a lot of the Sleepy Hollow of the first season. I loved watching Ichabod figure out the phone; it brought back happy memories.