I made a hilarious version of this
I always imagined that the kid grew up to a middling Database Administrator for Deutche Bank or something. Lots of mega geniuses wind up being DBA's. That's why we don't have flying cars, in case you were wondering.
agree completely - what a whole lot of nuthin that poster is.
You made all those names up
I stand corrected. All together now. A one and a two…
Baby, if you've ever wondered,
Wondered whatever became of me,
I'm living on the air in Cincinnati,
Cincinnati, WKRP.
no kidding - you can tell by the wellspring of great songs on the first Foo Fighters album that Dave was sitting on a mountain of great ideas.
I would say that it has the best "sound" but not the best playlist.
self-deleted because the only response was a spelling correction, indicating its relative worth.
I could care less about the team struggling
It's especially weird that Andy was the one who was "AWFULLY TIRED OF PACKIN' AND UNPACKIN'!"
What about Charles, in "Charles in Charge"?
I concur. Buck's mumbling blandness is 90% of the charm of that show. And when they swap Gil out for his stunt-double, for a 13-on-1 kung fu fight? Platinum.
I think the show and the books make it clear that Tyrion is the center of things.
This is one show I loved as a kid, and love even more as an adult. Just check this out (seriously, it's only a minute or so long)
I think binge watching the Cosby Show, is something they force inmates to do in Gitmo.
Agree - Go Team Nucky!