horatio leafblower

Probably because many folks feel her story and performance hold up nicely.

The same thing happens in the books.  Whenever you hit a chapter that starts off "Jon" you can't help but go grrrrrrrr under your breath.

I thought it was Lawson.  We're talking about  "DLawson's Creek" right?

The other lost people were smarter than Jack, so they all got together and were like, "Let's make sure the doctor doesn't run away, because a doctor is super handy when on a deserted island."  How do you keep a doctor around?  Feed his/her gigantic ego on a regular basis.

Man!  She left it all on the stage - I imagine she had to spend the next three weeks at a rest home.

I kind of dug it.  Not for sexy time, but there really is nothing quite like it.

[book spoiler]

"The younger Waltric broke his fast amidst soldier pines, each more solider-y than the last.  Set before him was a lamprey pie and bowl of Honeyed and Nutted Daari-o's…"

Just to be a Netflix-streaming Johnnie Come Lately, here's my take.

Are any of you guys going to check out Anna Gunn's standup tour "I Break Bad for Laughs"

I disagree - Brandt is very effable

January  I think

oh that's hilaaaarious.

My sense was that, she was headed for a clean death, until she started in with that nonsense.  That bought her a messy death.

I could not disagree more.  I used to kind of hate her, for that whole "I'm a hot nerd" thing she cultivated on G4.  But she's clearly a talented comic actress.  And she's the closest thing to a likable character on this show.

Someone does a "white murderer vs black murderer" bit - Chris Rock maybe?  This, in most contexts seemed like a white kind of thing (of course of lot of us were thinking this might be a particularly fiendish al qaeda thing).

I would say that divorce was the absolute best thing that could have ever happened to my family.  And my exwife, and kids would 100% agree.  In fact I'm a little worried that my kids' childhood is a little too happy and conflict-free; they may not be prepared for the harsh realities of the real world.  I was thinking

"Money problems cause divorce" is 100% wrong.  Divorce doubles your money problems.

Do they explain his excellent wavy hair?

I hope the only scene with Margaret is her and stupid-ass kids sitting at a table in some cruddy tenement, sharing a box of Lucky Charms.