horatio leafblower

It comes off exactly as what it is - wish fulfillment from a couple of locals who hated Harvard students. Matt and Ben fancied themselves as much poorer and tougher than they were (they were middle-class theater kids), and the Harvard students as far more douchey than they actually were (predominantly nerds and

Exactly - they're both cinematic pablum - but Titanic is supremely crafted, expertly calculated cinematic pablum. It earned every penny of its billions.

I know it upsets you that Good Will Hunting didn't make the list. Just remember… it's not your fault.

I agree - Ms. Akerman is a hair above "soap opera" in terms of abilities, so she brings nothing to the role that's not on the page. It doesn't help that she's the most thinly drawn of the main four. She's supposed to be this "walks between two worlds" character. At ease at a charity gala, and at a dive bar making

I mean, the title of the show is pretty click-baity.

Ha! I showed my teens Superman the Movie a few months ago. My 16 year old was like, "oh.my.god" It was pretty funny actually - I think people are being weirdly conditioned to find pasty oddballs like Cumberbatch and Loki to be attractive. (And not to take anything away from those guys - but Chris Reeves was pretty

A little over two years ago, I thought I hit the jackpot. Finally got woman who was exactly my type (down to the tiniest detail) to fall for me. Because I was so goddamn attracted to her, I ignored all the glaring character defects. Long story short, she pretty much destroyed my life. Not in a heartbreak way

Hahvuhd Yahd-pahkers
more like: hah-vid yahd pahkiz

I think they did what they set out to do. Rachel is the protagonist. The show is the setting. Everything that happens goes through Rachel's POV or how it effects the show. It would have been awkward if they chose to go down the "very special episode" path.

I think the first episode made it very clear he didn't at least knowingly do it. He's clearly shocked when he discovers the body. That doesn't remove the possibility that he did it while messed up on booze/drugs and blocked it out completely. I don't think the show is going to end up being that he totally did, knew

what is this 90's grindhouse revival? I may have accidentally missed it.

Agree - but Heavy Traffic and Coonskin are worthy Bakshi entries. Both are ass-meltingly offensive to contemporary eyes and ears, but… I don't know what to say, except check them both out. But yeah, skip Fritz.

Is Wini a lesbian? My character is Svetlana. She's a lesbian.

fallout 4 VR

The Mayor of Tarrytown?

They were all the antagonist. All that hard-earned taxpayer $$ to save Matt Damon?

Nah the Martian was pretty terrible. Too much "good guy" Matt Damon. He's better as a bad guy, like in the Talented Mr Ripley and that Scorsese remake of Infernal Affairs, and in the ironically title Good Will Hunting, where he plays a whiny little genius boy who's mommy didn't wuv him.

I liked Interstellar better because it had less Matt Damon and (spoiler) he died.

I don't know about dozens. Tens, maybe.

Not the character he plays, the actual Matt Damon. And no one tries to save him, so he hangs himself. The end.