horatio leafblower

Damn - Holly Hunter totally FriendZoned(tm) Albert Brooks!

Yeah Ti phoned it in.  it's one of the shortest, and dummest of the bunch.  I enjoyed it but it was a bit much for one sitting.

The Dr Manhattan on Mars stuff was pretty sweet too, as was most of the Rorschach business.  He didn't make the right Watchmen movie (if such as thing is possible), but he made a perfectly respectable, dark, alternate-past, comic book movie.

Your referral to this as "sexist" is Exhibit A as to why this failed.

I enjoyed this movie, and was frustrated by all the reviews focusing on sexual politics.  Many based their kneejerk criticism solely on the clothes the characters wore, and wholly ignored the core of the film, which features women bonding together to fight their oppression, on three different levels of reality no

You nailed it - this happens.  Seemingly nice, normal people can essentially lose their minds when they're heartbroken.  And think about it, she was completely in love with Sherman, and thought he felt the same, and he dumped her without warning.  That's a shock to the system.  Sure most folks just get upset and deal

They should have sent a casting agent to one of the sad neighborhood strip bars in Rhode Island.  Could have stocked their brothels with lots of gross naked women.  Except the cost in makeup to cover up all those bad tattoos wouldn't have been worth it.

I like that image, and can picture a thought bubble connected to both their heads "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

This Room 237 movie sounds annoying, unless the gist is "check out these crazy people who see signs in everything".  It reminds me of those Wizard of Oz / Dark Side of the Moon guys.

I saw Upstream last night, and I have no idea why it's bringing up this level of discussion as a puzzle box.  The central "cycle" is revealed in a way that most viewers will grasp.  I know I didn't pick up on all the layers, but I felt not the least bit frustrated  at the end.  And any frustration during the film felt


I know - I'm a wicked philistine.  I'll just have to watch it before lunch, when I'm at the peak of my mental powers.  I can almost bend spoons at 10:30am.

Is Much Ado… sticking to Elizabethan English?  If so, I'll pass.  I find it too mentally draining to do all that real-time translation.

I didn't know he did versus.  that movie is crazy town.  I'm now curious about the nature of your bad experience, because I would imagine that movie would play well with a crowd. A non-squeamish, somewhat drunk crowd anyway.

I liked Midnight Meat Train. Quite a bit actually.  Mostly because netflix is overflowing  with amateur-level hd-dv horror films, and I was expecting that level, and got something actually ok.

I also thought it was quite good.  My only problem was the wretched CGI.

Now, Mr. Hawke and I are of an age.  And from that perspective, I find his dyed hair, goatee, and fashion-junkie style is pretty unappealing.  Not saying he should wear an oversized golf shirt and dad jeans, but seriously dude, here are a couple of rules for men over 40:
- don't dye your hair
- tuck your shirt in

(book 5 spolier)
Are we calling a 300 page boat trip an "arc" now?