horatio leafblower

The poor have always suffered - so that's nothing new.  At least before, the poor in the US could realistically dream of middle class, and it was a dream worth pusruing.

My housemates and I stumbled across Let my Puppets Come in the, uh, back room of a local video store.  Maybe '93?  Became kind of a house joke for a while, but mainly for the stupid title; the movie itself wasn't horribly inspired.

The problem with the early rifftrax was that it was all Mike (or Mike and a guest or two).  Great writer, but probably the worst of the five riffers (not awful, just not as good as the others, though a great straight man for the skits).

Woody Harrelson as Father Mushroom


Even sadder is that the guy who actually wrote the original script saw like 2G's of the settlement (since he was not the copyright holder).

Willy Wonka is a really good one with just Mike and Neil Patrick Harris -

It's companion piece, "Invaders of the Neptune Men" is somehow even more hilarious.

Sure, but only before Dreamworks settled, settled, settled with the Clonus copyright holders for a 7-figure sum.

And isn't The Fast and the Furious a reboot of "Side Hackers"?

There's also MST3K-style old bizarre stuff like "Santa and Icecream Bunny" and "Buffalo Rider"  Which are two of the best.

"Parts: The Clonus Horror" was remade as "The Island" with Ewan McGregor & Scarlet Johannson.  And had to settle out of court.

I re-read my post, and I have to dial it back - of course I've done that, but now I feel sorta bad about it.

yeah I hate hearing that stuff from regular people, never mind professional writers who specialize in art and pop culture.

Comparisons are inevitable, since they share an identical high concept.  It's like saying "I never understood the comparison  between 'The Forbidden Dance' and 'Lambada'"

In the unofficial recent trilogy or "regular-guy tries to be a superhero" flicks:
Super >>> Kick-Ass >> Defendor.

It stinks being late to the party, but I've been catching up on this show and watching it compulsively for the past month.  It's good, at least I hope it's good, because otherwise what the hell am I doing.

More like "she got jettisoned just like nearly every one else on this show, for budgetary reasons".  Pretty soon this show will just feature Ben Mackenzie on foot in a police uniform, chasing a bunch of non-speaking extras.