horatio leafblower

Amen Lurky - that's a great little feature!
- Outstanding voicework on Gollum & Smaug
- Proof positive that you don't need British accents in a fantasy film
- Some cheesy songs, but Goblin Town's very catchy

360 - they had a sick on-demand sale for it, and I bought it strictly because it was decent game at a burger king price.

Since we did the books first, I wasn't scared they'd find it too intense.  I cheated a little and gave them advance warning during the scene where bilbo quickly morphs into a hissing ring junky.  So as far as "being freaked out by it" there was no issue (this was my 9-year-old boy's first PG13 film).

It didn't grab me.  I got it for xbox when it was crazily on sale for like $5 a couple of months ago.  I tried starting it a couple of times and got nowhere.  Not sure why.  I'll have to give it another chance.

Sex House is pretty amazing

On Friday night, had monthly beer/bad movie night with BFF - featuring "Gangster Squad" and "Death Stalker II" - we didn't make it 30 minutes into GS, because it was too dark.  Literally too dark.  Sometimes I want to shake cinematographers, and shout "JUST BECAUSE INTERIOR LIGHTING WAS DIMMER  BACK THEN, DOESN'T GIVE

I liked it then and now.  Yeah, I cringed at a couple of spots, especially Natalie Portman spazzing out.  But I found it a well-constructed little nothing film.  And (SPOILER ALERT) I thought it was actually brave choice not to kill Portman's character, because the whole time, I was thinking "Oh, she's so gonna die."

My sister and her family are in North Jersey.  It's perfectly ok.  I can name a bunch of states I'd choose it over.  By "bunch" I mean 7.

I liked it as well.  Don't be tricked by the title - it's neither a comedy, nor an anti-comedy.  Should have been called "The Cockfuckery"

A well-cared-for dog is pretty much the happiest creature in the universe.  Seriously, if you're a reincarnation believer, that's what you should be hoping for.

This drives me absolutely nuts.  People with their allegedly good-natured doggies running free on trails. It's obnoxious because
(a) Lots of people have major dog fears
(b) it's against the law pretty much everywhere
(c) it puts leashed dogs at a particular disadvantage.

If it ain't in Little China, I'm not interested in Big Trouble.

Is that Tommy Wiseau?  No?  Well, it should be

Does anyone remember the short Mr Show bit where a fireman stands in front of house fire, and his eyes turn dollar-signs to the accompaniment of cash register sound?  Kind of hilarious.

They should have altered her voice for the green scenes.  Not just have her screech.

Disagree - he's too old, and the fact that he Oz ignores the age-apprpriate, yet still hot, older sister, while competing for affections of two twenty-somethings, would feel creepy on a near-fifty actor, as opposed 30-something.

I saw this yesterday with my 12 year old daughter and her friend.  They both really enjoyed it, and I did too.  As a parent, I'm forced to sit through quite a bit of Family Entertainment.  Most of it hectic, rushed, with lame jokes and popsong montages.  The Shreks, Madascars, Ice Ages, Chipmunks of the world give me

- The FBI guy's wife whipping the glass through the wall nook and having it shatter in the next room.  I watched it thrice.
- When Nina walks away shedding her dress.  Both me and my girlfriend were like "no one could possibly walk away from *that*." And we were right.
- The outrageous discomfort of Clark

Indeed it was shot well.  I didn't hate it, because I was fully in the mood for a film in the genre of "populist claptrap".

Indeed it was shot well.  I didn't hate it, because I was fully in the mood for a film in the genre of "populist claptrap".