horatio leafblower

Three years later, and I've finally checked out season one.  I like it.  Quite a bit actually.  Partly because I'm getting the serialization trend is exhausting, and CBS-style  procedurals do absolutely nothing for me.

fantasy middle-ages alternate worlds have all that lyre and lute stuff.  End of bloody story.

I for one didn't miss the random shots of average punters laughing in closeup

Nah - I called "ANACHRONISM!" loudly and often on that pause button business.  About 50 people had vcr's back then, of the betamax variety (my dad being one of them - it was the size of a twin bed, and had a separate analog timer on top of it for time-shifting).

I assumed he was a stud.  We might look at at him and be like "he's bald, and a little dumpy"  But in reality, he was young, available, cocky, and most importantly, a goddam G Man.  All he has to do is work that into the conversation, and he could have nearly any woman he wanted.  He could even break out his badge

I remember listening to the local AM pop radio in the summer of 78 (77?) waiting for Meco Star Wars jam to hit its turn in the rotation (which it was, along with Andy Gibbs "I just want to be your everything").

where's the taco bell Bong


Margery thinks she too cool to use both sides of her face to talk.

If this is another planet, how come no one's ordering Space Beer.


I would say "I'm so jealous that you get a chance to experience it for the first time."

I discovered Evil Dead 2 at a blockbusters at least 3 years after it came out.  I was like "they made a sequel to that?"  The first was one of my favorites at the time.  I didn't actively "get" ED2 and it's craziness until years later.I remember being like "I don't remember this movie being so fucking amazing"


ED2 is the king.  ED3 is a gas.  ED1 is, actually, pretty damn amazing.  If you've neglected it, I highly recommend checking it out again.  It's much straighter, and whatever zaniness occurs feels far more insane (and in context) than the slapstick of ED2.


It did not capture a large audience, but I'd say a large majority of those who saw it, liked it, if not loved it.  It is pretty close to perfect (in terms if achieving nearly everything it set out to do).

The first 1/3 of ED2 is a reboot, the 2nd 2/3 is an extension.

You're right - don't post on race.  Genuinely good advice

Where did I suggest otherwise?