horatio leafblower

I meant no such thing.

I'm not sure attraction to members of a particular race qualifies as "racist crap"

and additional thanks to the good critics who wade through garbage to pick out the really good garbage.

Exactly!  I disagreed with him more than most mainstream critics, but loved his write-ups the best.  Everything about them - even the way he regularly "got it wrong".  not the opinion part (there is no wrong answer by definition), or even the interpretation, he often misstated the basics of the plot.

I don't think you know what "racist" means.  And, yes it does make a difference, otherwise more than a tiny minority of the world would marry outside their race.

I remember first seeing him and Gene Siskel reviewing Scanners on WGBH in Boston while flicking around the dial.  They didn't love it.  I think I watched that show every week (and later At the Movies) for the next 10 years at least.

I agree - and I think they were dogging him as an Irishman, not as a performer

At a nearby basketball court, someone sprayed "TURK182" on a backboard.

I highly recommend watching this with the commentary featuring waters and the animation guy.  Waters is kind of hilarious on it, and takes a few gentle digs at Geldof.
 I've seen it tons of times (being a pot-head in the mid-80's and all).  But my favorite was when I watched in a proper home theater several years ago,

I read an article where it was suggested that part of the dearth of American male actors is that too many young people think drama is "for teh girls and teh gays".  This is (according to the article) an American phenomenon, because in England and Australia, boys have no qualms about entering drama clubs, musical

Pretty generic crew overall, to the point where two cast members were nearly identical (one's tall and posed for playboy, one's average height and is a hooters waitress).

yeah you're right - I started with the title, which painted me into a "flashback" corner.

Also Coming Soon

It is a good book - it does not come off as "Young Adult" at all.  My sense was that the lead characters were post-collegiate age.  It is a genre book based on a love triangle (more of quadrangle), but other than that, it's a complete departure from Twilight.  As the science fiction aspects are genuinely thoughtful

Fisher King is "fine" but not great.  I refer to it as the "Terry Giiliamest" movie of all time.

What mostly annoyed me about this film was Depp.  He's playing a meek accountant or something, yet refuses to cut his stupid girly-ass hair, or shave his scraggly little chin-fuzz.  He's like "I'm legendary rocker Johnny Depp and this is how I look.  You want the Depp, this is the Depp"

The sad truth is that without Harvard/MIT (which aren't even in Boston), we're like double-omega-meltdown-minus-minus

I knew Boston's weird napoleon complex wasn't totally unfounded.  I want to start a chant, next time I'm up quincy mahket "WE'RE ALPHA MINUS - WE'RE ALPHA MINUS!"

It was a fairly interesting story, but they sold it to the public as "the story of America's lost innocence" which is such a load of old toss.
