horatio leafblower

The problem with Anton is that he never refines his songs.  They're good tunes, but that gets lost in a mushy wall of noise.  Very few dynamics, buildups, dropouts.  He has achieved the exact level of success that the music deserves.  And this is from someone that likes them (in small doses).

"Genius" is not the right word.  "Sociopath with severe ADD" is closer.

After the movie, I checked out a bit of BJM.  It's too damn busy - each song has the same medium-high dynamic.  It's too bad - you can tell there are interesting ideas in there, underneath the muddy mess.

and she's bouncing all over the place like a crazy person.

Taylor is a grade A wanker in this film, but Anton is a genuine sociopath.

Plus they got a *lot* of mileage out of having a topless suicide girl playing keyboards.

No, but he's the secret star of the movie.  I think he's the tambourine player/dancer of BJM (not joking)

Seinfeld fits this as well - it started strong, got a bit full of itself (with the live studio audience and cheering for Kramer, and multi-episode arcs), then righted itself for an excellent few seasons.


Does anyone know
Of a brain disease
That causes its sufferer to
Not only not care for poetry,
But openly despise it.

Does anyone know of a brain disease that causes its sufferer to not only not care for poetry, but openly despise it.  I think I have that.

I barely remember watching this film years ago.  I filed it away as "a two-star film - no need to see again".  This is one of those films which sounds wild and wooly on paper, but is not nearly as successful in execution. 

I wholly dug Excision myself.  It didn't work on some levels, but "terrible turd"?

I bet if he pitched a found-footage reboot, it'd get greenlit in about 4 seconds.


This on my top 10 of all time.  Partly because, as a Bostonian, it brings me back to my childhood Boston, which is long gone.  It was a gritty city back then, littered with gigantic cars, the general stench of exhaust, and nothing worth a second look.

The sad thing now is that $6M nowawdays will barely buy you the services of a mediocre shooting guard for two seasons.  Or 6 months of your average glad-handing CEO.

I love that the times allow us 40-somethings to not grow up.  We get to do all that "kids stuff" (videogames, comics etc), wear jeans and Fonzie T shirts to work, and it's totally acceptable.  Previous generations, when you hit 30, you had to ditch everything and be somet kind of stiff in an uncomfortable suit, your

Are you sure?