horatio leafblower


Or one my personal favorite hard-to-finds: castle freak

I would argue that "lack of treatment" is a far more prevalent cause than "suicide has romantic connotations" (though  I'm sure that's a part of it, especially for underdeveloped psyches such as those in teens).

OK, I actually read your post this time.  My original reply was intended as a response to a number of posts claiming that their personal decision not to kill themselves gave them the right to impugn the character of someone who did.  And I'm of the mindset of "walk a mile in someone's shoes…"

I was speaking generally, and I'm not even sure I read your post - so it was comment mostly about people I've met who brag about their triumph over adversity (as they have every right to), and label those who don't as weak.  I've seen mental illness and addiction, and death from both, up close. And I've come to

Some folks like to believe that whatever relative success they've achieved is all because of their personal amazingness.  And everyone who's not achieved what they had is simply less amazing than they are. 
Here's a little American football analogy.  Let's say you're born male with no markers for severe depression or

For those that enter a decent, non-televised program, the odds are closer to even than 5%.

It is also the first phase of the Kublai Khan model, where you deny the reality that the Mongols are about to crush you!

I just wanted to say thanks for that beautiful post - sometimes a "like" isn't nearly enough.

they do work.  And yes "higher power" is a little weird.  Atheists usually take this as "I am not the center of the universe"

depression and addiction are diseases.  The latter runs in my family.  For whatever reason, I didn't get it, and can genuinely take or leave substances.  I don't go around saying, "I'm just stronger than my siblings/parents/friends/mindy mcready."  I was lucky not to have the disease to the extent they did.

You're only half right.  Regular Rehab does work, sometimes (1/2 maybe?).  Celebrity Rehab doesn't work.  Maybe as entertainment, but certainly not as effective treatment.

You may be confusing shows.
Intervention was an awesome show.  Probably the best reality show ever.  It worked on many levels.
1. You always felt WAY better about whatever your little problems were.
2. This was serious drama, not that amped up Jersey Shore / real housewives crap.
3. In the end, the people got REAL help,

Not so much for his ability to help those who are high on horse.

She has - nothing is more peaceful than nothing.

Actually, most of you are missing the point.

Unless I'm misremembering, "Trespass" is a heck of a picture.

The problem for me is cost.  Books?  Used books, library's and friends are excellent ways to read lots of a budget.  But graphic stuff is more collector-driven.  So you're often stuck buying New.  And they can be quite pricey

Yeah the Fringe 3 kicks the crap out of the x-files 2.

Good tips - thanks!