
I just checked it again and yep, down at the bottom: "Sally and Gene, Mad Men." I assume that it's as @Scrawler2:disqus said in that they meant Glen.

Speaking of romances, one of the options in there is for Sally and Gene Draper.

I actually am in a city (Manhattan), but fair enough.

For what it's worth, I've come across people who strongly believe that a woman shouldn't have a career and exist only to raise kids and serve her husband. I really need to get the fuck out of Kansas.

From what I've seen of it, Star Wars 1313 could have been really good. It's too bad that it won't see the light of day.

I played the hell out of the NES version of Empire. Those fucking walkers in Cloud City caused a lot of swearing. I played the Star Wars one, too, but I never beat it (I got into the Death Star, but that's about it).

For some reason I find it incredibly satisfying to run around as Darth Vader and loot the hell out of the Death Star.

At one point Finnick is wearing nothing but a fishing net around his crotch.

And that angel was Sam Kinison!

I loved this and I'm so glad we got McGann's regeneration at least. I loved how the "it's bigger on the inside" is usually jokey, but here tips Cass off to potential danger.

I once opened the door to some Mormon missionaries when I didn't have any pants on. I mean, my stuff was covered, but they saw lots of bare leg!

I've been to library school (I have the degree, but sadly, not the job). I saw a few cute guys in library school, but they were few and far between.

Yeah, I read it recently and thought it was pretty good. There's a lot of children's/young adult lit about the Holocaust and so I liked that the book focused on a young non-Jewish German girl's experience and her trying to make sense of it all. I also tend to be a sucker for books that feature books prominently, so I

I used to buy Mystery Science Theater tapes at Suncoast! And Star Wars stuff!

They rent porn and I've heard porn rentals has been keeping some movie rental stores afloat.

Then we might have seen him with his hand up E.T.'s ass.

*rushes in*

I contend that those tourists were decapitated before they entered the Krusty Land House of Knives!

Her delivery on her line gets me every time:

Speaking of man ass, when I at the grocery store the other day, I browsed the books section, which consists mostly of romance novels. Most of them had the traditional shirtless man on the cover, but one of them broke the mold and went for man ass.