
Flowers for Algernon SPOILERS

And by "the love," he means his dick right? 'Cause I don't want to get arrested again.

When I first saw the trailer, I thought Matt Smith sounded a lot like Paul McGann for some reason. When I watched it again, I definitely picked up McGann's echo. It would explain something that he tweeted a couple of weeks ago about trying to match Matt Smith's delivery. Too bad there's not a better shot of Eight in

*checks under sheet*

Mine, too. My preferred method was sending them off the edge of the tub to drown.

I think it was Pam. I think Sue Ellen drove drunk and crashed her car at some point, too. This just reminds me of how much I would love to see Dallas on TV Club Classic.

"I thought you said you'd tell me about my true love."

*punches @avclub-86530f307772e956a998ca45eb47bf49:disqus *

I have a feeling that there are already plenty of drawings of Cumberbatch and Assange "forever entwined" on Tumblr. I…I kind of want to go look.

Hmmm….do you know anything about the year of publication? Or at least the year your mom would have been reading it to you? Was it a thin or thick book? Can you remember anything about the cover?

Mockingbird by Walter Tevis.

A couple of books that I liked were John Dower's War Without Mercy (about the Pacific front) and Christopher Browning's Ordinary Men (about the police battalions and the role they played in the Holocaust). I second the suggestions about books by Richard Overy and Antony Beevor. Gerald Linderman's The World Within War:

Mr. Gumble, this is a Girl Scout meeting.

No matter how old I am, I always love watching Cliffhangers to see if the guy goes over the side of the mountain.

As soon as I read Seals and Crofts, "Summer Breeze" started playing in my head. It's going to be a long day.

Yep, chiming in to say that I am, as well. Unemployment struggles and I just feel worse after getting an interview, having it go well….but still not getting the job. Fortunately, I've been able to start therapy and the depression is starting to lift, but I feel so much pressure with the job search and getting a job,

Buenos noches, mein fuhrer!