
@avclub-bee55c9f38793b27b3bd2e9d359d92ee:disqus 's ego probably blinded him to the song, as James Iha has a writing credit on it.

You have to do a Bing Image Search for that.

I didn't have strong feelings either way towards Train until I heard "Save Me San Francisco." That song is insipid.

I would totally buy a Drunken Luau Don Draper figure. I would also buy a Drunken Luau Sterling Archer figure. Complete with pig.

Oh my god, it just disappeared! It's a ghost car!

@avclub-93bf0903fd207bdfd856ede8e84f7d1f:disqus  Right now your avatar is making me feel funny.

I'm a lady generally interested in men, but all three of those women make me question that.

Benedict Cumberbatch in his Starfleet outfit is currently my desktop background. The way that top clings to his arms and chest…..

I loved Adore when it came out and it disappointed me when it didn't seem to be all that well-received. I'm glad to see it getting some love.

To be fair, @avclub-32a2e71c97df5281f1324db72c73a59a:disqus 's comment did make me think what the fuck, scroll back up to read the index, and say what the fuck once more.

When I noticed your eyepatch, I giggled…then felt sad for poor Kenny.

Now I have to go to Youtube and look for the Cartoon Express train intro….

I don't remember any of the 12 inch figures, but I have happy memories of playing with the Dagobah swamp playset, along with the Ewok Village, Speeder Bike, and AT-ST Walker.

I still love the Y2K Commercial.  Follow me! Follow me to freedom!

That's great. And weirdly mesmerizing.

In my part of Kansas, it's roughly an even split between IHOP and Denny's.

That triumvirate of Twinkies merely overwhelmed my resolve.

There was a pretty little thing down in the Jungle Room waiting for the King.

Thank you. I just had it stuffed.

My favorite one was about leaving a jack-o-lantern on someone's doorstep with a knife in the side and a note that says "You."