
Maybe it's the beer talkin', Marge, but you got a butt that won't quit.

Where's my burrito?! *hits food truck*

Yeah, I'm a well wisher in that I don't wish Erik any *specific* harm.

They're in Kansas, too.

Oh yeah, I remember having a crush on Harry Anderson. It was the glasses. And the magic.

I am also a single lady. *wiggles eyebrows in a Milhouse-esque fashion*

Rick Moranis. Yep, I like my men to fall into one of three categories: dweeb, geek, or nerd. All the better if they fall into more than one category.

I'd love to see Moral Oral reviewed.

I haven't gotten around to reading it, but there's Aaron Allston's Mercy Kill, that was released last year.

The only monster here is the gambling monster that enslaved your mother! I call him Gamblor and it's time to snatch your mother from his neon claws!

Don't forget that he killed a bunch of hippies once!

They've said that production is grueling enough that they can't really do any more than ten episodes a season without making the gap between seasons a year and a half or two years.

Thanks for the tip, good sir! *goes to Youtube immediately*

Horny Slut Hotline, this is Peppermint.

@avclub-0840875a9da6f24c4e0fc883b399d93a:disqus  If Ramsay were trying to be a good husband by giving his wife oral sex, there would be no problem. Instead, he's a sadist hell bent on degrading and humiliating his wife (and Theon, too). It's a completely subjective thing, but that scene bothered me in ways that scenes

@Shambolic That scene was the only scene in the books to disturb me so much I had to put it down and go do something else.

Many of those episodes are up on YouTube! I watched them recently and thought they still held up.

He took over for Nathan in finishing up season five, then I believe he'll be handing it over to someone else for season six.

No, you can't! No one can!