
I know that I had heard Queen before that, but my ten-year-old-self  hearing "Bohemian Rhapsody" in Wayne's World sealed the deal on my love for them.

If Benjamin were an ice cream flavor, he would be pralines and dick. 

The World War I museum is one of my favorite places to go. For anyone who might be considering it, I think they did a nice job collecting and displaying a lot of artifacts from the war and the lay out is really well done for telling the narrative. The glass  floor over a poppy field is a nice visual in the lobby

Hey, it would work on me.

Yeah, I'm a bit ambivalent about "America." It's one of my least favorite Neil Diamond songs, but if I recall correctly, he wrote it with his grandparents getting the hell out of Russia (and Russia's particular strain of anti-Semitism) and coming to the U.S. in mind. So, I'm a bit more favorable towards it than I used

Yeah, I like 12 songs and and Home Before Dark quite a bit. I also enjoy a lot of his covers on Dreams, especially Blackbird, Feels Like Home, and Midnight Train to Georgia.

I can't tell you how much I'd love that…hell, I could probably write it.

We can only hope.

@avclub-7656b560c7e180f8e0d84ca82ac0d8b7:disqus Facts can be used to prove anything!

I was so happy for Strax in that moment. I also enjoyed him going off to play with his grenades.

That made me laugh far too hard.

@avclub-2f130bae5a3948b1fb3aac9477b4dab2:disqus  Have it star Benedict Cumberbatch and I'll be at the midnight screening.

@FelixP Book Henry in The Time Traveller's Wife was kind of an asshole.

Edited out for redundancy. Move along people!

*impales herself on her own trident*

@avclub-cd3d804747cf4c11f495534083caf222:disqus Apparently, those Germans aren't all smiles and sunshine.

Oh, I was just quoting Wayne's World.