Munchma Quchi

For me the realization of his skill came when I was first digging into Kurosawa's filmography and it took me several movies to figure out that bearded Mifune and clean-shaven Mifune were not two entirely different actors.

He's referring to the little person celebrity look-alike of Toshiro Mifune.

Cause of/solution to.

So does every woman over 55 who appears on the show, it would seem.

Lookit, if Toby Jones wants recognition he should just die.

Big deal. He'd just change his voice and start over from scratch.

Let's dispel with this fiction that Trump knows what he's doing. He has no fucking idea what he's doing.

That's too nuanced. He should have just said "Wrong. Wrong. Wrong."

Given that it was the Hilltop that goaded Rick into taking out one of Negan's FOBs, there may be a mutually assured destruction angle if they were to rat.

Do you actually mean Kumail Nanjianii, or do you mean Kunal Nayyar?

I wonder if there are any examples of religion being on the wrong side of history.

Take comfort in the fact that you've had a black President for 8 years, and being black in your country is only equally as rough as it was before that.

Clearly you've never interned for Conan.

I believe the correct plural form is Jays Mohr.

Sounds more like Witness Protection.

What's the button combo to do a closeup lie inspection?

That's mental.

That would make Amy Schumer some sort of double tramp. A dramp?

Chain them all to Christopher's lead-filled corpse and we've got a deal.