Munchma Quchi

I'm not sure Chuck Schumer has a lot of pull in the comedy racket.

"Our new government is founded upon exactly [this] idea; its foundations are laid, its corner-stone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery subordination to the superior race, is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of

I don't think that was salt that they were snorting.

No, BB's fate was sealed the moment they decided not to have Walt and Skyler twerk in that storage locker full of money.

Taking away civil liberties won't prevent another apartment building fire, will it?

But what if he's, like, a really good engineer?

Since only one of those things is testable, I will direct you to Nova's episode on the assassination and its ballistics tests with a Carcano rifle.

Seriously, that wig is far less ridiculous than his regular "hair."

Sure, when you aren't being accosted by Frenchmen from the 19th century.

I expected more of Roger Cross' character. Well, maybe there was closure on that, but all I remember is him showing up and banging Mrs. S.

No, he simply slid into Rebecca Romijn, and at that point there are no worlds left to conquer.

Dr. Charles Emerson Winchester III, no less.

I say send him back in time to relive his crimes from the perspective of his victims.

When you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab 'em by the pilsner.

Give Showtime's CEO of Erect Phalluses a call.

A few months back Charlie Rose reaired an interview with Trump from the early nineties during his Comeback (i.e.: between financial catastrophes), and the difference with today is quite stark. Many of the massive character flaws are still there, but he was capable of speaking in semi-coherent sentences.

Don't forget to write "REPUBLICAN BUDGET" on the sack of potatoes so people don't get confused.

With Uber drivers it's assault or be assaulted.

Not the Sean Connery one? Because you should want to watch the Sean Connery one.

Is that the new "no one could possibly do that much cocaine and put on a live sketch comedy show every week?"