Munchma Quchi

Source on Roger Smith actually giving an interview? The only place I've seen that claimed is in one of the many anti-Moore docs that use all the same techniques they criticize him for, except without the craft, and with an even more nebulous relationship to the truth.

Adam Carolla? There's no way one of his books would get an A grade from this site.

People usually only say that when one drives off a cliff or is hit by a train or something.

The Uruk-hai are a pretty good analogy for Trump supporters, but who will turn out to be his Wormtongue?

Oh, dear god. What did he mean by "luggage?"

That would be so silly. Merry being associated with Donald makes much more sense in regard to the Trump/Witch King allegory.

Quite possibly thinking about just Donald.

*Mike Huckabee plucking his bass*

Fox News has been after her for a while now.

I can relate to that. I'm actually very apprehensive about revisiting that Wind in the Willows adaptation because Mr. Toad is all I can think of when I see Nigel Farage and I fear that now the reverse may be true.

That one is delightful. Mr. Toad joyously careening down the road in his motorcar(s) is perhaps my most treasured childhood memory.

"Sorry, I only invest in rhombi."

I'm pretty sure all of Austin knew it all along.

Fallon has a show about ping pong, and Kimmel has a show about The Bachelor. White balls are literally all they have in common.

"You try that transmisogyny around here, young man, and we'll slit your face."

"Not a single Futterwacken!"

That it was their slogan, or that they no longer give wayward travellers fair warning?

Very Dude-like. And next to "braggadocious" I think it was the longest word he used all evening.

Until this summer Tisdale, Saskatchewan's official slogan was "The Land of Rape and Honey."

Ick. The Crimson Petal and the White was plenty, thank you.