Munchma Quchi

Uneven, but worthwhile.

That's being a bit harsh.

TV's gift to pop music and the world, O-Town?

Just like the old Nietzsche man said!

Why would I tell you when I could tell the Star Whackers and collect that sweet, sweet bounty.

He essentially asked that very same question on the show a week or two ago.

Did he also own John Voight's LeBaron, by any chance?

Ice Hockey by Activision wasn't really that exciting.

The Cardassians tired of that eventually. Well, except for that one guy.

That's exactly the thinking that got us 20 years of Alan Greenspan as chairman of the Federal Reserve.

You mean Powers Boothe?

I pictured the flag being raised.

"I'm a cahp, you idiot!"

Or at least grammatically correcter.

His one regret in life is not sacrificing NotIvanka when he had the chance.

I assume you are still dazed.

"Come on, come on, don't you realize this is costing me money?!"

Better yet, Uri Geller once appeared on Carson to do his spoon bending, but they made sure to not let him fuck with the spoons beforehand (under the advisement of Randi). Cringeyness ensued.

The Streisand Effect.

You fool, all you had to do was become famous and then encounter someone less famous than you that had one.