Munchma Quchi

Mick Foley appeared on the show several times. Both as a guest and in scripted bits.

To be fair, Roger Ailes probably wasn't even completely sure which one he was sexually harassing.

Be still, my beating heart.

"I love the poorly educated."

"Yeah, yeah. I am Batman."

So that's how many millions are in a Silmarillion.

I think he'd mostly just be shocked that police started treating black people poorly a few years ago.

It was a white people country, so you still have to care, like, a little.

He probably just decided to wait and scam a free copy from Columbia House like the rest of us did.

They said the same thing after Lincoln, but here we are.

You're a grimy little pimp!

This very fact accounted for about half of my astonishment.

He mentioned them a couple of weeks ago on The Late Show, and I can't begin to tell you how taken aback I was that he actually said "Brian Kilmeade."

I can't stop adding "The Weather Hermaphrodite."

See also: Stephen Hawking

The lady watching Carol in the seat next to me on a plane last month didn't seem to feel that way.

So that's why I was suddenly able to read my notifications again.

Earlobe cancer is a horrible disease.

"Regardless, it'll make a ton at the box office." should be an addendum to every comment on this article.

Stupid sexy Papa.