Munchma Quchi

The "ghoul" in there was the first tipoff.

The inauguration is in January, you dumb mutt.

The B-Team only existed as fanfic fuel.

At this point I think Staff Lady Who Hands Stephen Things or Holds Up a Stick With an Animal Head Attached is already more of a sidekick than Jon Baptiste.

And he wasn't exactly all there in 'The Two Mrs. Carrolls.'

Baseball continues to cling to life in hope of a day that it can achieve the same.

Fuzzy Hat is justified in perpetuity based on the John Cleese instalment alone.

Hopefully the analogy will end up being extended into Trevor, like Lazenby, getting to go to conventions and banging all the former female correspondents.

I dunno, I feel like anyone working for Al Jazeera wold at least know what falafel is.

Might as well cast Artie Lang.

It's like I can't even trust Cracked listicles anymore.

I don't think, therefore I greenlight?

Actually, the bear just raped his hat.

I'd be pretty surprised if that exact phrase has never been uttered at a skeptics convention.

Are you forgetting Jingle All The Way?
Because tell me how.

It says it is live, it has a quiz that appears to be live, and there are call-ins that seem live.

Does he comment on The AV Club?

Too bad everyone who needed to hear it is boycotting The Daily Show for having a black host.

Me, too. The best dry heave on TV.

I believe the official line is that the corpses that don't turn were people that died from head trauma.