Bridge Troll

The girl is very plain looking, so this one would do. More propaganda saying that homely girls can get washboard ab'ed dream boats (yes, I used the term dream boats).

So the Rumor Mill is saying the next Die Hard will be set in Bangkok?

And they care about heating the homeless, what with all those unused books.

The review was positive… it's HIV!

Aw, you so smart PolarBears.

Are you some kind of moron?

Pelosi is terrible.

Are you saying it is the Rapture and they were all LEFT BEHIND?

Are you saying it is the Rapture and they were all LEFT BEHIND?

Don't worry.  You are actually MORE likely to get shot in Chicago.  Which is surprising.

Don't worry.  You are actually MORE likely to get shot in Chicago.  Which is surprising.



Don't worry, she loves you like a friend… a friend she would never call or get caught in public with.  She wouldn't wave if she saw you in the hallway, but she knows you at least know her name.  That kind of love.

Don't worry, she loves you like a friend… a friend she would never call or get caught in public with.  She wouldn't wave if she saw you in the hallway, but she knows you at least know her name.  That kind of love.

He could put himself in as Grand Admiral Thrawn.  Criticizer of art from other planets.

He could put himself in as Grand Admiral Thrawn.  Criticizer of art from other planets.

Only worth it if Michael Bay directs the crap out of that scene.  It will take ALL of his directing acumen.

Only worth it if Michael Bay directs the crap out of that scene.  It will take ALL of his directing acumen.

Michael Bay for Star Wars director… he can't make it worse than anything else that has come out in the last 29 years… yes, I am aware that Return was 1984, but are YOU aware there were Ewoks in that film?