Bridge Troll

This is going to be Demolition Man of comedies,

He was the only solid one… the reason were just a soupy mess.

Are you saying you enjoy the pleasures of a deceased vagina?

George Lucas liked mine.  I pitched him a movie containing only Ewoks and Gungans.  He LOVED it.

Obviously you have never sat through an episode of the Real Housewives of (insert awful city) while thinking to yourself how you ended up dating someone who enjoys this shit.

He is REALLY hit or miss on "developing."  The comedy shorts he did online were great, but the movie they produced is unwatchable.  Community was good, but his stand up is TERRIBLE.  So I probably will not support his music career, and am 50/50 on this new series.

I really hope this is like the OJ book… if she had killed Kurt, how would she have done it?


That dirty bastard

If only there was some kind of knowledge repository, one that could be accessed from everyone's homes, and quickly searched.  Some kind of network interconnection… oh dream world, when will you become a reality?

My response was meant to be to teadoust…

Just because it hurts your little feelings does not make it more or less offensive than something that provokes someone else's reaction to something different. While you entitled to your opinion of being offended, I am glad we live in a country where we are allowed to offend anyone we want, even for our own amusement.

I disagree. If this were the Rapture, all the goodly women would be taken away… so where are all the sluts???

So when do we get the real life version of Saw IV? Or Saw V?  Which ever one is in the house, can't say I saw it.

Is it Racist? That this movie got only a C+?  Maybe the reviewer had it in for "those people"…


It has only been about a year… at some point those people will be forced to extract their heads from their arse.  No rush though.

South Korea IS a 3rd world nation… so it was them the WHOLE TIME! So M. Night is working for God now?

How can you not like that boy? He made you into the man you are today…. creepy, alone, pushing you dick between your legs to make a man-gina, while wearing lipstick… on second thought, maybe you are right.

There are no small actors, just midgets I paid to dress up as jesters for a birthday party.